Many functions can be generalised
David Feuer
david.feuer at
Sat Dec 3 19:32:44 UTC 2016
You can also sift monomorphic containers using my class, which should
probably be called MonoSiftable.
data IntList = Cons !Int IntList | Nil
instance Siftable Int IntList where
sift _ Nil = Nil
sift p (Cons x xs)
| p x = Cons x (sift p xs)
| otherwise = sift p xs
On Dec 3, 2016 2:17 PM, "David Menendez" <dave at> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 12:50 AM, David Feuer <david.feuer at>
> wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2016 6:14 PM, "David Menendez" <dave at> wrote:
>> A while back, I found myself deriving this class:
>> class Functor f => Siftable f where
>> siftWith :: (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
>> sift :: (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
>> sift f = siftWith (\a -> if f a then Just a else Nothing)
>> I would expect several classes, corresponding to different methods of
>> Witherable:
>> class Siftable a m | m -> a where
>> sift :: (a -> Bool) -> m -> m
>> default sift :: SiftWithable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
>> sift p = siftWith (\x -> x <$ guard (p x))
>> class Functor f => SiftWithable f where
>> siftWith :: (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
>> class Siftable a m => SiftableA a m where
>> siftA :: Applicative g => (a -> g Bool) -> m -> g m
>> default siftA :: (SiftWithAAble f, Applicative g) => (a -> g Bool) -> f
>> a -> g (f a)
>> siftA p = siftWithA (\x -> (x <$) . guard <$> p x)
>> class (Traversable f, SiftWithAble f) => SiftWithAAble f where
>> siftWithA :: Applicative g => (a -> g (Maybe b)) -> f a -> g (f a)
> Yes, sift is more general than siftWith (which I should have called
> siftMap, in hindsight). But, so far as I know, the only things you can
> define sift for but not siftWith are sets and set-like things.
> At the time, I had also rejected sift by itself because I couldn’t think
> of any laws, but now that I look at it again, I guess they would be:
> sift (const True) = id
> sift (\x -> p x && q x) = sift q . sift p
> I think those would make sift a monoid homomorphism.
> These still allow some weird instances, like sift _ = id, or something
> like this:
> newtype Weird a = Map a Bool
> instance Ord a => Siftable a (Weird a) where
> sift p (Weird m) = Weird (Map.union (Map.updateMin (const False)
> yes) no)
> where
> (yes, no) = Map.partitionWithKey (const . p) m
> I imagine it isn’t worth making the laws tighter to forbid this.
> --
> Dave Menendez <dave at>
> <>
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