Proposal: make minimumBy/maximumBy go through foldl', not foldr1

Roman Cheplyaka roma at
Thu Oct 29 15:56:14 UTC 2015

To clarify: the implementation I used in the benchmark is monomorphic.
(I could have used foldl1' from Data.List instead). A polymorphic
implementation could compose that with Data.Foldable.toList, unless
someone comes up with an even faster polymorphic version.

On 10/29/2015 05:34 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> I just realized (thanks to this reddit thread[1]) that minimumBy is now
> implemented through foldr1. Previously (before FTP), minimumBy from Data.List
> used foldl1, while minimumBy from Data.Foldable used foldr1.
> I think that the way these were merged was a mistake.
> Let's admit that the absolute majority of use cases for minimumBy are numbers,
> for which the comparison functions are strict in both arguments. Even for
> something like Bool, where comparison could potentially be in one of the
> arguments, the standard compare method is derived and is strict.
> Now, for Foldable, there isn't necesarily a connection between the direction and
> the way fold is performed. For example, for Data.Map.Map both folds are
> tail-recursive. Yet foldr is non-tail-recursive at least for:
> - good old lists
> - anything that uses the same convention for foldl/foldr as lists
> - anything that defines its foldable instance through conversion to lists
> - anything that uses the default implementation of foldr/foldr1
> I also put a simple microbenchmark[2] to show the difference in performance;
> on it, the proposed implementation is more than 20x faster than the current one.
> [1]:
> [2]:

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