[Haskell-cafe] RFC: "Native -XCPP" Proposal

Christian Maeder c.maeder at jacobs-university.de
Fri May 8 07:50:46 UTC 2015


using cpphs is the right way to go!

Rewriting it from scratch may be a good exercise but is (essentially) a
waste of time.

However, always asking Malcolm to get source changes into cpphs would be

Therefore it would be great if the sources were just part of the ghc
sources (under git).

Another "problem" might be the dependency "polyparse" that is currently
not part of the core libraries.

(I guess that replacing polyparse by something else would also be a nice

So (for me) the only question is, if Malcolm is willing to transfer
control over cpphs to the haskell-community (or ghc head) - of course
with due acknowledgements!

Cheers Christian

On 08.05.2015 08:07, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> On 8 May 2015, at 00:06, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:
>> I think it's important that there be *one*
>> "cpp" used by Haskell.  fpp is under 4 kSLOC
>> of C, and surely Haskell can do a lot better.
> FWIW, cpphs is about 1600 LoC today.
> Regards,
>     Malcolm

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