Drastic Prelude changes imminent

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 16:03:13 UTC 2015

Looking at the generalizations in Data.List I find them pretty odd now when
I think about it. I'd expect Data.List functions to be monomorphic to
lists, just like I expect functions in Data.Map to be monomorphic to maps.
Now there might be generalized versions of these functions in e.g. the
Prelude, but generalizing Data.List means that I don't even have the
monomorphic versions available if I want to resolve ambiguity by using

* It turns out resolving ambiguity is pretty annoying. The type signatures
are awkward to write so I end having to write something akin to

    mymap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    mymap = map
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