Proposal to deprecate and then drop fromJust

Michael Sloan mgsloan at
Tue Feb 24 19:31:16 UTC 2015

That's a great point!

+1 to adding non-deprecation warnings to fromJust, ideally in the form
of adding a warning to the re-export.

This is quite nice, because then if the user really wants fromJust
without a warning, they can import it from Data.Maybe.Partial.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:21 AM, David Feuer <david.feuer at> wrote:
> I think this is a great case for the proposed deprecated export feature.
> Instead of deprecating fromJust, we move it to Data.Maybe.Partial and
> deprecate its export from Prelude and Data.Maybe.
> On Feb 24, 2015 2:07 PM, "Chris Allen" <cma at> wrote:
>> However, I think it'll require a very long deprecation cycle before
>> actually removing it from base, as 'fromJust' is officially part of
>> Haskell 2010, and there's probably a lot of code out there using
>> 'fromJust'...
>> Terrifyingly, yes. I fired off a shell-script to cabal unpack all the
>> libraries on Hackage last night and some cursory grepping has brought me:
>> 1,176 instances of where fromJust is explicitly imported from Data.Maybe
>> 7,431 instances of fromJust mentioned in a Haskell source file
>> I'm in favour (+1) of the deprecation (warnings) cycle proposal kicked
>> around.
>> Also if anyone knows of a semantically aware (ie, can distinguish
>> functions, imports, etc.) open source code search tool, I'd be very grateful
>> if they'd point me in that direction.
>> On 02/24/2015 04:54 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:
>> On Tue Feb 24 2015 at 12:47:07 PM Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2015-02-24 at 06:42:22 +0100, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>>> > We currently have in the Data.Maybe module from base:
>>> >
>>> >      fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
>>> >
>>> > which newbies often find using hoogle or other search tools and is
>>> > a huge trap. *Every* usage of the above can be replaced by using
>>> >
>>> >       fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
>>> >
>>> > which forces the user to provide a default value for the case where
>>> > the Maybe a is a Nothing.
>>> >
>>> > The idea would be to deprecate fromMaybe for 7.12 and remove it
>>> > completely later.
>>> I'm +1 for deprecating (or attach a warning pragma to) 'fromJust' as
>>> I've been bit by 'fromJust' myself in the past, when I was still mixing
>>> up 'fromMaybe' and 'fromJust'. Nowadays I don't reach out for 'fromJust'
>>> anymore at all.
>>> However, I think it'll require a very long deprecation cycle before
>>> actually removing it from base, as 'fromJust' is officially part of
>>> Haskell 2010, and there's probably a lot of code out there using
>>> 'fromJust'...
>>> Relatedly, I was thinking of a separate 'partial-functions' warning
>>> class, so we could annotate partial functions (head/last/...) in base,
>>> and have the associated warnings be tunable via a separate GHC -fwarn*
>>> flag. This could even be generalised to arbitrary warning-classes:
>>>  {-# WARNING[partial] fromJust "Use 'fromMaybe' instead" #-}
>>> I'm sure we would come up with other useful warning-classes...
>> This sounds like a great idea, which I'd support fully. The idea of
>> letting people opt-out of partiality warnings somehow would IMO address the
>> concerns here perfectly.
>> Even though I'm strongly opposed to fromJust, I'm -1 on removing it any
>> time soon due to ensuing breakage. I'm on the fence with a standard
>> deprecation warning (since by what I just said we really *aren't*
>> deprecating it), but a WARNING would be great.
>> Michael
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