
Ben Franksen ben.franksen at
Sat Feb 21 10:39:30 UTC 2015

Phil Ruffwind wrote:
>> If openBinaryTempFile is used in this way a few times in a row, it
>> returns the same file name every time.
> A quick inspection of the [source code][1] reveals that it uses the
> process ID
> (PID) to generate the initial filename of the temporary file.  If the file
> already exists, the number is incremented until a new file is created.  So
> the current implementation does in fact have this predictable behavior.
> I don't *think* this is insecure (but don't quote me on that), since
> `O_EXCL` is used to create the file, but it may be somewhat inefficient if
> there are a many files being created by one process or if processes with
> similar IDs create temporary files with this method.

Thanks for digging it up. I don't think it is insecure, I guess our code 
just makes a wrong assumption (somewhere) about the file name being unique 
when it cleans up afterwards.

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