Proposal: Add exception info

John Lato jwlato at
Tue Apr 21 05:27:34 UTC 2015

I don't have a strong opinion towards this proposal.  It definitely seems
useful, but I think most of the uses would be either somewhat niche in
practice, or better addressed by other mechanisms (the call stack stuff).

However I am opposed to adding IsAsync, because I do not think it is
useful. In every case I know where a user wants to differentiate async
exceptions, what they actually want is to differentiate RTS control
exceptions from everything else.  I think the proposal would easily
accommodate that, and you could have IsAsync too if there is a use case for

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015, 8:08 PM Carter Schonwald <carter.schonwald at>

> if you can patch prelude error to include stack traces, i will owe you a
> >=1 beer each at the next two icfps. Thats all i want for christmas. :)
> i can't speak for how a different patch might work out, because thats not
> what I'd tried at the time. If you have a go, please share the results!
> -Carter
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Michael Sloan <mgsloan at> wrote:
>> Hi Carter!
>> Interesting!  This thread, right?
>> I haven't tried this as a patch to base, but I'm certain that the core of
>> the proposal has no extra dependencies.  Note that the proposal isn't about
>> stack traces in particular - that's just one application of being able to
>> throw exceptions with extra information.
>> Even if `throwTo` isn't modified to throw exceptions with stack traces,
>> this functionality could be provided outside of `Control.Exception`
>> (though, that does seem like the right place to put it).  I'm surprised
>> that the circularity was so problematic, though.  Why isn't it sufficient
>> to have an hs-boot file for `GHC.Stack`, which exports `currentCallStack`?
>> -Michael
>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 7:55 PM, Carter Schonwald <
>> carter.schonwald at> wrote:
>>> Hey Michael,
>>> I actually proposed something along these lines that got OK'd by
>>> libraries early this past fall, the main challenge we hit was actually
>>> doing the enginering to add the stack traces to exceptions! theres some
>>> nasty module cycles in base that happen when you try to weave things around
>>> so that the standard error "message here" call includes some stack trace
>>> info. Have you tried to do that simple starter patch to base?
>>> Chris Allen and I spent like 2 days trying to get it to work and just
>>> gave up because of the cycles. We (and others) would probably love some
>>> headway on that front.
>>> Theres also some in progress work to use the dwarf debugging info data
>>> in >7.10 to provide useful stack traces in the default builds for GHC
>>> afaik, 'cause the stack trace functionality you're pointing at currenlty
>>> only work on profiled builds
>>> cheers
>>> -Carter
>>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Michael Sloan <mgsloan at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Control.Exception currently lacks a good way to supply extra
>>>> information along with exceptions.  For example, exceptions could be
>>>> thrown along with their callstack[1] or implicit stack[2], but we have
>>>> no generic way to include this information with exceptions.
>>>> Proposed Solution
>>>> =================
>>>> The proposed solution is to add a list of `SomeExceptionInfo` to the
>>>> `SomeException` datatype.  This list stores additional information
>>>> about the exception.  These `ExceptionInfo` instances use a mechanism
>>>> which is pretty much identical to the dynamic way the `Exception` type
>>>> works:
>>>>     data SomeException = forall e . Exception e =>
>>>>         SomeExceptionWithInfo e [SomeExceptionInfo]
>>>>     data SomeExceptionInfo = forall a . ExceptionInfo a =>
>>>>         SomeExceptionInfo a
>>>>     class Typeable a => ExceptionInfo a where
>>>>         displayExceptionInfo :: a -> String
>>>>     addExceptionInfo
>>>>         :: (ExceptionInfo a, Exception e)
>>>>         => a -> e -> SomeException
>>>>     addExceptionInfo x (toException -> SomeExceptionWithInfo e xs) =
>>>>         SomeExceptionWithInfo e (SomeExceptionInfo x : xs)
>>>> `ExceptionInfo` lacks the to / from functions that `Exception` has,
>>>> because I don't see much point in supporting a hierarchy for exception
>>>> info.  The `Typeable` superclass constraint supplies the necessary
>>>> casting.
>>>> `SomeExceptionInfo` could validly instead just use the constraint
>>>> `(Typeable a, Show a)`.  However, I believe it's good to have a new
>>>> class for this so that:
>>>>   * The user can specify a custom `displayExceptionInfo`
>>>>   implementation, for when this extra info is presented to the user.
>>>>   This function would be invoked by the `show` implementation for
>>>>   `SomeException`.
>>>>   * Types need to opt-in to be usable with `SomeExceptionInfo`.
>>>>   Similarly to exceptions, I imagine that a type with a
>>>>   `ExceptionInfo` instance won't be used for anything but acting as
>>>>   such an annotation.  Having a class for this allows you to ask GHCI
>>>>   about all in-scope exception info types via `:info ExceptionInfo`.
>>>> Backwards Compatibility
>>>> =======================
>>>> GHC 7.10 adds support for bidirectional pattern synonyms.  This means
>>>> that this change could be made without breaking code:
>>>>     pattern SomeException x <- SomeExceptionWithInfo x _ where
>>>>         SomeException x = SomeExceptionWithInfo x []
>>>> Note that consumers of this do not need to enable `-XPatternSynonyms`.
>>>> Applications
>>>> ============
>>>> Callstacks
>>>> ----------
>>>> As mentioned at the beginning, this can be used to add callstacks to
>>>> exceptions:
>>>>     newtype ExceptionCallStack =
>>>>         ExceptionCallStack { unExceptionCallStack :: [String] }
>>>>         deriving Typeable
>>>>     instance ExceptionInfo ExceptionCallStack where
>>>>         displayExceptionInfo = unlines . unExceptionCallStack
>>>>     throwIOWithStack :: Exception e => e -> IO a
>>>>     throwIOWithStack e = do
>>>>         stack <- currentCallStack
>>>>         if null stack
>>>>             then throwIO e
>>>>             else throwIO (addExceptionInfo (ExceptionCallStack stack) e)
>>>> I see little downside for making something like this the default
>>>> implementation `throwIO`.  Each rethrowing of the `SomeException`
>>>> would add an additional stacktrace to its annotation, much like the
>>>> output of `+RTS -xc`.  Unlike this debug output, though, the
>>>> stacktraces would be associated with the exception, rather than just
>>>> listing locations that exceptions were thrown.  This makes it
>>>> tractable to debug exceptions that occur in concurrent programs, or in
>>>> programs which frequently throw exceptions during normal functioning.
>>>> Throwing Exceptions in Handlers
>>>> -------------------------------
>>>> Example:
>>>>     main =
>>>>         throwIO InformativeErrorMessage `finally`
>>>>         throwIO ObscureCleanupIssue
>>>> While `InformativeErrorMessage` got thrown, the user doesn't see it,
>>>> since `ObscureCleanupIssue` is thrown instead.  This causes a few
>>>> issues:
>>>> 1. If the exception is handled by the default handler and yielded to
>>>>    the user, then the more informative error is lost.
>>>> 2. Callers who expect to catch the "Informative error message" won't
>>>>    run their handlers for this exception type.
>>>> Problem 1 can now easily be resolved by adding some info to the
>>>> exception:
>>>>     data ExceptionCause = ExceptionCause
>>>>         { unExceptionCause :: SomeException }
>>>>         deriving Typeable
>>>>     instance ExceptionInfo ExceptionCause where
>>>>         displayExceptionInfo fe =
>>>>             "thrown while handling " ++
>>>>             displayException (unExceptionCause fe)
>>>>     catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
>>>>     catch f g = f `oldCatch` handler
>>>>       where
>>>>         handler ex = g ex `oldCatch` \(ex' :: SomeException) ->
>>>>             throwIO (addExceptionInfo info ex')
>>>>           where
>>>>             info = ExceptionCause (toException ex)
>>>> This implementation of `catch` is written in a backwards-compatible
>>>> way, such that the exception thrown during finalization is still the
>>>> one that gets rethrown.  The "original" exception is recorded in the
>>>> added info.  This is the same approach used by Python 3's
>>>> `__context__` attribute[3].  This was brought to my attention in a
>>>> post by Mike Meyer[4], in a thread about having bracket not suppress
>>>> the original exception[5].
>>>> This doesn't directly resolve issue #2, due to this backwards
>>>> compatibility.  With the earlier example, a `catch` handler for
>>>> `InformativeErrorMessage` won't be invoked, because it isn't the
>>>> exception being rethrown.  This can be resolved by having a variant of
>>>> catch which instead throws the original exception.  This might be a
>>>> good default for finalization handlers like `bracket` and `finally`.
>>>> Asynchronous Exceptions
>>>> -----------------------
>>>> Currently, the only reliable way to catch exceptions, ignoring async
>>>> exceptions, is to fork a new thread.  This is the approach used by the
>>>> enclosed-exceptions[6] package.  I think it's quite ugly that we need
>>>> to go to such lengths due to the lack of one bit of information about
>>>> the exception!  This would resolve ghc trac #5902[7].
>>>> base-4.7 added the `SomeAsyncException` type, but this doesn't enforce
>>>> anything.  Any exception can be thrown as a sync or async exception.
>>>> Instead, we ought to have a reliable way to know if an exception is
>>>> synchronous or asynchronous.  Here's what this would look like:
>>>>     data IsAsync = IsAsync
>>>>         deriving (Typeable, Show)
>>>>     instance ExceptionInfo IsAsync where
>>>>         displayExceptionInfo IsAsync = "thrown asynchronously"
>>>>     throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> IO ()
>>>>     throwTo tid = oldThrowTo tid . addExceptionInfo IsAsync
>>>> The details of this get a bit tricky: What happens if `throwIO` is
>>>> used to rethrow a `SomeException` which has this `IsAsync` flag set?
>>>> I'm going to leave out my thoughts on this for now as the interactions
>>>> between unsafePerformIO and the concept of "rethrowing" async
>>>> exceptions.  Such details are explained in a post by Edsko de Vries[8]
>>>> and ghc trac #2558[9].
>>>> Issue: fromException loses info
>>>> ===============================
>>>> I can think of one main non-ideal aspect of this proposal:
>>>> Currently, the `toException` and `fromException` methods usually form
>>>> a prism.  In other words, when `fromException` yields a `Just`, you
>>>> should get the same `SomeException` when using `toException` on that
>>>> value.
>>>> For example,
>>>>     fail "testing 1 2 3" `catch` \(ex :: SomeException) -> throwIO ex
>>>> is equivalent to
>>>>     fail "testing 3 4 5" `catch` \(ex :: IOError) -> throwIO ex
>>>> However, with exception info added to just `SomeException`, and no
>>>> changes to existing `Exception` instances, this
>>>> doesn't hold.  Exceptions caught as a specific exception type get
>>>> rethrown with less information.
>>>> One resolution to this is be to add `[SomeExceptionInfo]` as a field
>>>> to existing `Exception` instances.  This would require the use of
>>>> non-default implementations of the `toException` and `fromException`
>>>> instances.
>>>> Another approach is to have variants of `catch` and `throw` which also
>>>> pass around the `[SomeExceptionInfo]`.
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> [4]
>>>> [5]
>>>> [6]
>>>> [7]
>>>> [8]
>>>> [9]
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