Proposal: Make a very slight change to the semantics of Data.List.isSuffixOf

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at
Tue Oct 14 21:24:36 UTC 2014

It would be interesting to compare the correctness arguments for the 
different versions of isSuffixOf.  I gave the dropl-version a try in 
Agda, but it is not trivial, I could not finish in 90 min.  Here is a start:

open import Data.List
open import Data.Product

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡

   append-[] : ∀{A : Set} {xs : List A} → xs ++ [] ≡ xs
   cong-tail : ∀{A : Set} {x y : A} {xs ys} → x ∷ xs ≡ y ∷ ys → xs ≡ ys

dropL : ∀{A B : Set} → List A → List B → List B
dropL [] ys = ys
dropL xs [] = []
dropL (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = dropL xs ys

dropL-is-drop-length : ∀{A B : Set} (xs : List A) (ys : List B) →
   dropL xs ys ≡ drop (length xs) ys
dropL-is-drop-length []       ys       = refl
dropL-is-drop-length (x ∷ xs) []       = refl
dropL-is-drop-length (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = dropL-is-drop-length xs ys

-- Logical definition of suffix:

_IsSuffixOf_ : ∀{A} → List A → List A → Set
ys IsSuffixOf zs = ∃ λ xs → xs ++ ys ≡ zs

dropL-suffix : ∀{A B : Set} (xs : List A) (ys : List B) →
   dropL xs ys IsSuffixOf ys
dropL-suffix []       ys       = [] , refl
dropL-suffix (x ∷ xs) []       = [] , refl
dropL-suffix (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with dropL-suffix xs ys
... | ws , p =  (y ∷ ws) , cong (λ zs → y ∷ zs) p

-- This is one direction, rather easy:

dropL-dropL-suffix : ∀{A : Set} (xs ys : List A) →
   dropL (dropL xs ys) ys ≡ xs → xs IsSuffixOf ys
dropL-dropL-suffix xs ys p = subst (λ ws → ws IsSuffixOf ys) p
                                (dropL-suffix (dropL xs ys) ys)

-- One more easy lemma:

dropL-diag : ∀{A : Set} (xs : List A) → dropL xs xs ≡ []
dropL-diag []       = refl
dropL-diag (x ∷ xs) = dropL-diag xs

-- The other direction, hard:

suffix-dropL-dropL : ∀{A : Set} (xs ys : List A) →
   xs IsSuffixOf ys → dropL (dropL xs ys) ys ≡ xs
suffix-dropL-dropL xs .xs ([] , refl) rewrite dropL-diag xs = refl
suffix-dropL-dropL xs [] (w ∷ ws , ())
suffix-dropL-dropL [] (y ∷ ys) (w ∷ ws , p) = dropL-diag ys
suffix-dropL-dropL (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) (w ∷ ws , p) = {!suffix-dropL-dropL 
(x ∷ xs) ys (ws , cong-tail p)!}

-- stuck here.

On 14.10.2014 15:05, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
> David,
> To paraphrase Kernighan, ascertaining correctness is twice as hard as
> writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as possible
> with your code, how will you know it's even correct?
> Case in point: the infinite lists wrinkle that you started the thread
> with. /At a glance/ what do the general recursion versions (yours and
> Milan's) evaluate to on infinite lists? What are the benchmarks on the
> time it takes for a haskell programmer to figure them out? Would they
> not jump at the greater affordance of reasoning with Andreas's compositions?
> Meaning and reasonableness have always been the hallmarks of core libs.
> Least of all, since it's so losering to benchmark the wrong thing, see
> below on how Andreas-dropl no.1 beats out David-Milan by the tiniest
> sliver in short-needle-long-haystack. Like checking file extensions in
> pathnames that we saw in Andreas's Agda code. Here a concrete app brings
> real meaning to the timings as opposed to optimizing for vaporware.
> Watch them Agdaists fall off their chairs when they hit the speed boost.
> Don't mean to preach to the choir. Only layin' down the facts for the
> sake of the archive that every boiled haskeller knows to switch
> datatypes if isSuffixOf becomes the bottleneck.
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in shortHaystack/lib
> time                 176.6 ns   (176.4 ns .. 177.0 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 176.6 ns   (176.5 ns .. 176.9 ns)
> std dev              596.3 ps   (318.4 ps .. 1.096 ns)
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in shortHaystack/Milan
> time                 135.6 ns   (135.6 ns .. 135.6 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 135.6 ns   (135.6 ns .. 135.6 ns)
> std dev              45.49 ps   (23.88 ps .. 79.14 ps)
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in shortHaystack/Abel
> time                 145.6 ns   (142.5 ns .. 149.5 ns)
>                       0.996 R²   (0.996 R² .. 0.997 R²)
> mean                 147.3 ns   (144.8 ns .. 150.0 ns)
> std dev              8.616 ns   (8.070 ns .. 9.037 ns)
> variance introduced by outliers: 76% (severely inflated)
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in longHaystack/lib
> time                 71.12 μs   (71.08 μs .. 71.15 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 71.12 μs   (71.08 μs .. 71.16 μs)
> std dev              142.7 ns   (115.6 ns .. 186.3 ns)
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in longHaystack/Milan
> time                 45.00 μs   (44.99 μs .. 45.00 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 45.00 μs   (45.00 μs .. 45.01 μs)
> std dev              21.04 ns   (15.62 ns .. 28.75 ns)
> benchmarking simple shortNeedle in longHaystack/Abel
> time                 43.68 μs   (43.68 μs .. 43.70 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 43.69 μs   (43.68 μs .. 43.69 μs)
> std dev              18.29 ns   (12.79 ns .. 27.76 ns)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in shortHaystack/lib
> time                 396.3 ns   (396.2 ns .. 396.6 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 396.6 ns   (396.3 ns .. 397.0 ns)
> std dev              1.106 ns   (707.9 ps .. 1.662 ns)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in shortHaystack/Milan
> time                 117.9 ns   (117.9 ns .. 118.0 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 117.9 ns   (117.9 ns .. 117.9 ns)
> std dev              49.08 ps   (30.66 ps .. 75.20 ps)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in shortHaystack/Abel
> time                 125.6 ns   (125.6 ns .. 125.6 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 125.6 ns   (125.6 ns .. 125.6 ns)
> std dev              35.17 ps   (19.08 ps .. 58.78 ps)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in longHaystack/lib
> time                 71.98 μs   (71.92 μs .. 72.03 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 71.93 μs   (71.85 μs .. 72.00 μs)
> std dev              247.4 ns   (199.9 ns .. 305.3 ns)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in longHaystack/Milan
> time                 47.26 μs   (47.24 μs .. 47.29 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 47.28 μs   (47.27 μs .. 47.29 μs)
> std dev              35.43 ns   (28.70 ns .. 45.80 ns)
> benchmarking simple longNeedle in longHaystack/Abel
> time                 47.44 μs   (47.43 μs .. 47.45 μs)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 47.44 μs   (47.44 μs .. 47.45 μs)
> std dev              16.81 ns   (10.63 ns .. 28.75 ns)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in shortHaystack/lib
> time                 617.9 ns   (616.8 ns .. 618.7 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 617.9 ns   (616.9 ns .. 618.4 ns)
> std dev              2.295 ns   (977.3 ps .. 3.747 ns)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in shortHaystack/Milan
> time                 570.7 ns   (570.6 ns .. 570.8 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 570.7 ns   (570.6 ns .. 570.7 ns)
> std dev              194.8 ps   (154.1 ps .. 262.9 ps)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in shortHaystack/Abel
> time                 576.8 ns   (575.5 ns .. 579.5 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 576.5 ns   (575.7 ns .. 578.9 ns)
> std dev              5.133 ns   (149.4 ps .. 9.882 ns)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in longHaystack/lib
> time                 194.4 μs   (192.0 μs .. 195.9 μs)
>                       0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 190.9 μs   (190.2 μs .. 191.9 μs)
> std dev              2.789 μs   (1.938 μs .. 3.452 μs)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in longHaystack/Milan
> time                 169.3 μs   (164.6 μs .. 171.8 μs)
>                       0.997 R²   (0.996 R² .. 0.998 R²)
> mean                 160.1 μs   (158.1 μs .. 162.6 μs)
> std dev              7.419 μs   (5.720 μs .. 8.512 μs)
> variance introduced by outliers: 46% (moderately inflated)
> benchmarking use shortNeedle in longHaystack/Abel
> time                 166.4 μs   (162.9 μs .. 168.4 μs)
>                       0.998 R²   (0.997 R² .. 0.999 R²)
> mean                 159.1 μs   (157.5 μs .. 161.0 μs)
> std dev              5.903 μs   (4.471 μs .. 6.721 μs)
> variance introduced by outliers: 35% (moderately inflated)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in shortHaystack/lib
> time                 828.0 ns   (827.8 ns .. 828.2 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 828.0 ns   (827.9 ns .. 828.2 ns)
> std dev              582.1 ps   (339.9 ps .. 970.5 ps)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in shortHaystack/Milan
> time                 550.0 ns   (550.0 ns .. 550.1 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 550.0 ns   (550.0 ns .. 550.1 ns)
> std dev              223.1 ps   (97.52 ps .. 438.8 ps)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in shortHaystack/Abel
> time                 562.1 ns   (562.1 ns .. 562.2 ns)
>                       1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 562.1 ns   (562.1 ns .. 562.2 ns)
> std dev              109.5 ps   (74.48 ps .. 182.3 ps)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in longHaystack/lib
> time                 195.7 μs   (193.3 μs .. 197.3 μs)
>                       0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
> mean                 191.9 μs   (191.1 μs .. 193.0 μs)
> std dev              3.065 μs   (2.169 μs .. 3.825 μs)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in longHaystack/Milan
> time                 170.6 μs   (165.7 μs .. 173.4 μs)
>                       0.996 R²   (0.995 R² .. 0.998 R²)
> mean                 160.8 μs   (158.6 μs .. 163.5 μs)
> std dev              7.928 μs   (6.085 μs .. 9.063 μs)
> variance introduced by outliers: 49% (moderately inflated)
> benchmarking use longNeedle in longHaystack/Abel
> time                 170.4 μs   (165.4 μs .. 173.2 μs)
>                       0.996 R²   (0.995 R² .. 0.997 R²)
> mean                 160.5 μs   (158.3 μs .. 163.3 μs)
> std dev              8.066 μs   (6.200 μs .. 9.280 μs)
> variance introduced by outliers: 50% (moderately inflated)
> This is 64-bit on a recent i5.
> I appreciate learning something new from this discussion, so to pay it
> forward please find attached a self-contained lhs for your nano-tweaking
> pleasure.
> -- Kim-Ee
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 6:02 AM, David Feuer <david.feuer at
> <mailto:david.feuer at>> wrote:
>     I've switched my allegiance from my own version to Milan's, because
>     it's a tad faster, and also less verbose. One thing to watch out
>     for: although I don't particularly like this, the current version in
>     Data.List makes  [] `isSuffixOf` undefined = True.  Unless there's a
>     general consensus that this doesn't matter, we need to preserve it.
>     I don't think Milan's version is too terribly verbose. I tested
>     something very similar to your #1 that was proposed on IRC by Reid
>     Barton, and the numbers just didn't look too wonderful. I don't
>     think Milan's version is too terribly verbose, and I think it's
>     clearer than your #2. As for the depth of caring about speed, I
>     generally disagree with you: lists are actually very good for some
>     purposes, and, moreover, even when they're *not*, people use them
>     anyway and then other people wait for that code to run.
>     On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Kim-Ee Yeoh <ky3 at
>     <mailto:ky3 at>> wrote:
>         On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 1:17 AM, David Feuer
>         <david.feuer at <mailto:david.feuer at>> wrote:
>             I've done the benchmarks and the results are clear: the
>             implementation I gave is faster than the one you gave and
>             the one in Data.List in all cases. Yours is usually faster
>             than the one in Data.List, but slower for very short lists.
>         The 2x factor you're seeing over Andreas's diminishes once we
>         put slightly more effort into an apples-to-apples comparison.
>         1. Instead of drop (length xs) ys, let's define the equivalent
>         dropl :: [b] -> [a] -> [a]
>         dropl (_:xs) (_:ys) = dropl xs ys
>         dropl [] ys = ys
>         dropl xs [] = []
>         i.e. dropl xs ys ~ drop (length xs) ys.
>         Now with Andreas's original version:
>         xs `isSuffixOfA` ys =  xs == dropl (dropl xs ys) ys
>         that 2x gap narrows down to 10% for most cases.
>         2. There's that fast path which you optimize for, where the
>         needle is patently too long to be in the haystack. To narrow the
>         semantic gap, we can write
>         dropm :: [b] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
>         dropm (_:xs) (_:ys) = dropm xs ys
>         dropm [] ys = Just ys
>         dropm _ []  = Nothing
>         xs `isSuffixOfA` ys    =  maybe False id $ do
>             zs <- dropm xs ys
>             ws <- dropm zs ys    -- ws = needle-sized slice of the end
>         of haystack
>             return $ xs == ws
>         Now, the long-needle-short-haystack case also becomes merely 10%
>         off.
>         I'm -1 on both your proposal and the no.2 code because it's too
>         much verbosity for uncertain gain. The benchmarks look good, but
>         is the function even the bottleneck? For folks that care deeply
>         about speed, lists is almost always the wrong datatype anyway.
>         I'm weakly +1 on no.1 because it beats the current double
>         reverse definition!
>         -- Kim-Ee
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Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden

andreas.abel at

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