PROPOSAL: toBoundedIntegral: an adaptation of fromIntegral that respects bounds

Sean Leather sean.leather at
Wed Nov 12 11:57:16 UTC 2014

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

> Btw, a somewhat related approach I tuned heavily (but relies on 'Bits'
> rather than 'Bounded')

Nice. I had admittedly forgotten about int-cast when I went looking for
this kind of thing.

I'm a worried about the implementation requiring all those RULEs defined
> in order to get GHC to optimize it away. That looks like the wrong way
> to approach this, as by that you get something of an O(n^2) complexity
> when you need to add new integral types to the RULE set to account for
> all the potential direct conversion-paths between each pair.

That's a valid concern.

Just so you know, this is nearly the same set of RULEs defined for
fromIntegral. The fromIntegral RULEs just happen to be spread around
different modules: Foreign.C.Types, GHC.Float, GHC.Int, GHC.Real, and
GHC.Word. toBoundedIntegral has 101 vs. fromIntegral's 88 RULEs. The extra
RULEs account for some 32-/64-bit special cases (with some alternatives
behind #if's) and a few other cases that are not accounted for by the
fromIntegral RULEs. For adding a numerical type to base, it effectively
adds the same burden that fromIntegral requires in terms of RULEs.

I'd love to be able to depend on the fromIntegral RULEs instead of adding
toBoundedIntegral RULEs, but I found cases where the fromIntegral RULEs
were not firing. So I thought I would make GHC's job easier by including
all of the RULEs. If there's a better way, I'm all for it.

Moreover, you limit yourself to 'Bounded' types (which is why I resorted
> `Bits` rather than 'Bounded' for 'intCastMaybe' after noticing that I
> couldn't convert from (half)unbounded 'Integer' or 'Natural' to/from
> bounded types).

I'm not sure how the function is “limited” by using Bounded. Aren't they
just different constraints? If your type doesn't have a Bits instance but
does have a Bounded, then you would use the function that required Bounded.
How often this happens in practice, I don't know.

Anyway, I don't see a reason why we couldn't have both toBoundedIntegral
and intCaseMaybe. Or, if you prefer intCaseMaybe, let's use that instead.
I'm not strongly tied to toBoundedIntegral, but it would be nice to see
something in base because more people will see it.

So I'm on the fence about 'toBoundedIntegral', as for one I want such a
> facility for conversion, but OTOH, I'm not happy with the limitations
> 'toBoundedIntegral' exhibits. I'd like to see a more general solution.

Just to be clear, I understand one limitation you've presented: the RULEs.
You mentioned limiting to Bounded, but I'm not clear how that's a
limitation compared to using Bits, as you do.

What do you mean by a more general solution? IMHO, this is simply a
“better” fromIntegral, and fromIntegral is used a lot for bounded types. I
don't see how having toBoundedIntegral or intCaseMaybe precludes or
diminishes other developments, esp. ones that deal with more type
information. These functions are useful as they are now for many types.

PS: While working on the `int-cast` package (as well as experimenting
> with type-level int literal-indexed integers[1]), I couldn't help but
> wonder if we benefit from some GHC-provided facility for reflecting
> integral boundary information at the type-level. One of the things I was
> wishing for was for Haskell to support arbitrary statically-typed
> (contiguous) sub-ranges of 'Integer' where GHC could then pick the most
> efficient underlying type.
>  [1]:

Also nice.

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