'temporary' package

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Sat May 10 16:37:42 UTC 2014

spoke with edward, we're gonna wait and give Max (who's pretty darn busy)
the breathing room to do the fixes needed.

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Carter Schonwald <
carter.schonwald at gmail.com> wrote:

> Alex, honestly the thread isn't about maintainership, but rather pushing a
> fix to temporary.
> Likewise, Maxes other public libs, like test-framework, haven't been
> maintained in nearly a year.
> What's going to happen is sometime today/ tomorrow I'm going to push a
> minor version bump to temporary to stop the breakages.
> Then if max doesn't reply in the next month, figuring out new
> maintainership.
> Nothing precludes reverting the maintainership to max should he then
> surface.  But if someone's been Mia for months already, not so likely :-)
> On Saturday, May 10, 2014, Alexander Berntsen <alexander at plaimi.net>
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> I just wanted to say that this whole thread is close to scaring me off
>> *ever* putting a library on Hackage. I have worked in free software
>> for quite some time, and let me assure you that it's not common
>> practice elsewhere to hijack software if the maintainer does not
>> respond for four days.
>> Forking is OK, that's a freedom afforded to us by free software. But
>> if Hackage ever adopts a policy in which it's OK for someone to hijack
>> libraries if the maintainer is unable to respond in four days, I'm
>> definitely keeping my software away from Hackage.
>> I agree completely with Jake. This is all a big nonsense to me.
>> As a sidenote: Just recently a maintainer of a program I'm a developer
>> of did not respond in a couple of days. Turns out his mother had died.
>> Imagine if he came back and had to go through a bunch of red tape to
>> get back maintainership, because someone couldn't wait four days. How
>> absolutely demotivating and frustrating. Then he checks his email to
>> find a thread on the software's mailing list, with "there's no good
>> reason why a package should remain broken for more than a day".
>> - --
>> Alexander
>> alexander at plaimi.net
>> https://secure.plaimi.net/~alexander
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