qualified imports, PVP and so on (Was: add new Data.Bits.Bits(bitZero) method)

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 21:22:57 UTC 2014

I second that sentiment of appreciation.  As much as we all disagree on
some things, we all agree you make a tremendous amount of neat code
available to the community.

On Friday, February 28, 2014, Edward Kmett <ekmett at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just want to say thank you for writing this tool.
> I may not agree with your interpretation of the PVP on this particular
> issue, and will probably only use it on a couple of smaller packages that
> have almost no imports, but at least putting code out there to help those
> who do want to work in that style is a very helpful and valuable thing.
> -Edward
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Henning Thielemann <
> schlepptop at henning-thielemann.de> wrote:
> I got distracted by writing a tool that checks consistency of package
> dependencies and import styles. It's not yet perfect, but usable:
> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/check-pvp
> Description:
>   Check whether the version ranges used in the @Build-Depends@ field
>   matches the style of module imports
>   according to the Package Versioning Policy (PVP).
>   See <http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Package_versioning_policy>.
>   The tool essentially looks for any dependency
>   like @containers >=0.5 && <0.6@
>   that allows the addition of identifiers to modules
>   within the version range.
>   Then it checks whether all module imports from @containers@
>   are protected against name clashes
>   that could be caused by addition of identifiers.
>   .
>   You must run the tool in a directory containing a Cabal package.
>   .
>   > $ check-pvp
>   .
>   This requires that the package is configured,
>   since only then the association of packages to modules is known.
>   If you want to run the tool on a non-configured package
>   you may just check all imports for addition-proof style.
>   .
>   > $ check-pvp --include-all
>   .
>   It follows a detailed description of the procedure
>   and the rationale behind it.
>   .
>   First the program classifies all dependencies
>   in the Cabal file of the package.
>   You can show all classifications with the @--classify-dependencies at option,
>   otherwise only problematic dependencies are shown.
>   .
>   A dependency like @containers >= && <0.5.1@
>   does not allow changes of the API of @containers@
>   and thus the program does not check its imports.
>   Clashing import abbreviations are an exception.
>   .
>   The dependency @containers >=0.5.1 && <0.6@
>   requires more care when importing modules from @containers@
>   and this is what the program is going to check next.
>   This is the main purpose of the program!
>   I warmly recommend this kind of dependency range
>   since it greatly reduces the work
>   to keep your package going together with its imported packages.
>   .
>   Dependencies like @containers >=0.5@ or @containers >=0.5 && <1@
>   are always problematic,
>   since within the specified version ranges identifier can disappear.
>   There is no import style that protects against removed identifiers.
>   .
>   An inclusive upper bound as in @containers >=0.5 && <=0.6@
>   will also cause a warning, because it is unnecessarily strict.
>   If you know that @containers-0.6@ works for you,
>   then @containers- or @containers-0.6.1@ will also work,
>   depending on your import style.
>   A special case of inclusive upper bounds are specific versions
>   like in @containers ==0.6 at .
>   The argument for the warning remains the same.
>   .
>   Please note that the check of ranges
>   is performed entirely on the package description.
>   The program will not inspect the imported module contents.
>   E.g. if you depend on @containers >=0.5 && <0.6@
>   but import in a way that risks name clashes,
>   then you may just extend the dependency to @containers >=0.5 && <0.6.1@
>   in order to let the checker fall silent.
>   If you use the dependency @containers >=0.5 && <0.6.1@
>   then the checker expects that you have verified
>   that your package works with all versions of kind @0.5.x@
>   and the version @0.6.0 at .
>   Other versions would then work, too,
>   due to the constraints imposed by package versioning policy.
>   .
>   Let us now look at imports
>   that must be protected against identifier additions.
>   .
>   The program may complain about a lax import.
>   This means you have imported like
>   .
>   > import Data.Map as Map
>   .
>   Additions to @Data.Map@ may clash with other identifiers,
>   thus you must import either
>   .
>   > import qualified Data.Map as Map
>   .
>   or
>   .
>   > import Data.Map (Map)
>   .
>   The program may complain about an open list of constructors as in
>   .
>   > import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..))
>   .
>   Additions of constructors to @ViewL@ may also conflict with other
> identifiers.
>   You must instead import like
>   .
>   > import Data.Sequence (ViewL(Empt
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