qualified imports, PVP and so on (Was: add new Data.Bits.Bits(bitZero) method)

John Lato jwlato at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 20:01:37 UTC 2014

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 1:56 AM, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:36 AM, John Lato <jwlato at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com>wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:03 AM, John Lato <jwlato at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 9:25 PM, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com>wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 1:28 AM, MightyByte <mightybyte at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Vincent Hanquez <tab at snarc.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I'm not saying this is not painful, but i've done it in the past,
>>>>>> and using
>>>>>> > dichotomy and educated guesses (for example not using libraries
>>>>>> released
>>>>>> > after a certain date), you converge pretty quickly on a solution.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > But the bottom line is that it's not the common use case. I rarely
>>>>>> have to
>>>>>> > dig old unused code.
>>>>>> And I have code that I would like to have working today, but it's too
>>>>>> expensive to go through this process.  The code has significant value
>>>>>> to me and other people, but not enough to justify the large cost of
>>>>>> getting it working again.
>>>>> I think we need to make these cases more concrete to have a meaningful
>>>>> discussion. Between Doug and Gregory, I'm understanding two different use
>>>>> cases:
>>>>> 1. Existing, legacy code, built again some historical version of
>>>>> Hackage, without information on the exact versions of all deep dependencies.
>>>>> 2. Someone starting a new project who wants to use an older version of
>>>>> a package on Hackage.
>>>>> If I've missed a use case, please describe it.
>>>>> For (1), let's start with the time machine game: *if* everyone had
>>>>> been using the PVP, then theoretically this wouldn't have happened. And
>>>>> *if* the developers had followed proper practice and documented their
>>>>> complete build environment, then PVP compliance would be irrelevant. So if
>>>>> we could go back in time and twist people's arms, no problems would exist.
>>>>> Hurray, we've established that 20/20 hindsight is very nice :).
>>>>> But what can be done today? Actually, I think the solution is a very
>>>>> simple tool, and I'll be happy to write it if people want:
>>>>> cabal-timemachine. It takes a timestamp, and then deletes all cabal files
>>>>> from our 00-index.tar file that represent packages uploaded after that
>>>>> date. Assuming you know the last date of a successful build, it should be
>>>>> trivial to get a build going again. And if you *don't* know the date, you
>>>>> can bisect until you get a working build. (For that matter, the tool could
>>>>> even *include* a bisecter in it.) Can anyone picture a scenario where this
>>>>> wouldn't solve the problem even better than PVP compliance?
>>>> This scenario is never better than PVP compliance.  First of all, the
>>>> user may want some packages that are newer than the timestamp, which this
>>>> wouldn't support.  As people have already mentioned, it's entirely possible
>>>> for valid install graphs to exist that cabal will fail to find if it
>>>> doesn't have upper bound information available, because it finds other
>>>> *invalid* graphs.
>>>> And even aside from that issue, this would push the work of making sure
>>>> that a library is compatible with its dependencies onto the library
>>>> *users*, instead of the developer, where it rightfully belongs (and your
>>>> proposal ends up pushing even more work onto users!).
>>>> Why do you think it's acceptable for users to do the testing to make
>>>> sure that your code works with other packages that your code requires?
>>>  You're not at all addressing the case I described. The case was a
>>> legacy project that someone is trying to rebuild. I'm not talking about any
>>> other case in this scenario. To repeat myself:
>>> > 1. Existing, legacy code, built again some historical version of
>>> Hackage, without information on the exact versions of all deep dependencies.
>>> In *that specific case*, why wouldn't having a tool to go back in time
>>> and build against a historical version of Hackage be *exactly* what you'd
>>> need to rebuild the project?
>> I had understood people talking about "legacy projects" to mean something
>> other than how you read it.  In which case, I would suggest that there is a
>> third use case, which IMHO is more important than either of the use cases
>> you have identified.  Here's an example:
>> 1.  package foo-0.1 appears on hackage
>> 2.  package bar-0.1 appears on hackage with a dependency on foo >= 0.1
>> 3.  awesomeApp-0.1 appears on hackage, which depends on bar-0.1 and
>> text>=1.0
>> 4.  users install awesomeApp
>> 5.  package foo-0.2 appears on hackage, with lots of breaking changes
>> 6.  awesomeApp users notice that it sometimes breaks with Hungarian
>> characters, and the problem is traced to an error in text
>> 6.  text- is released with some bug fixes
>> 7.  awesomeApp users attempt to do cabal update; cabal install, which
>> fails inscrutably (because it tries to mix foo-0.2 with bar-0.1)
>> There's nothing in this situation that requires any of these packages be
>> unmaintained.  The problem is that, rather than wanting to reproduce a
>> fixed set of package versions (which cabal already allows for if that's
>> really desired), sometimes it's desirable that updates be held back in
>> active code bases.  Replace "foo" with "QuickCheck" for example (where for
>> a long time users stayed with quickcheck2 because version 3 had major
>> performance regressions in certain use cases).
>> This sort of conflict used to happen *all the time*, and it's very
>> frustrating to users (because something worked before, now it's not
>> working, and they're not generally in a good position to know why).  It's
>> annoying to reproduce because the install graph cabal produces depends in
>> part on the user's installed packages.  So just because something builds on
>> a developer's box doesn't mean that it would build on the user's box, or it
>> would work for some users but not others (sandboxing has at least helped
>> with that problem).
> IIUC, this is *exactly* the case of an unmaintained package. I'm not
> advocating leaving a package like bar-0.1 on Hackage without an upper bound
> on foo, if it's known that it breaks in that case. In order for the package
> to be properly maintained, the maintainer would have to (1) make bar work
> with foo-0.2, or (2) add an upper bound. So to me, this falls squarely into
> the category of unmaintained.

I disagree.  I think it's unreasonable to expect that maintainers provide
24/7 availability and near-immediate maintenance releases when updated deps
are released.  And in the meantime (which may be days, or even a couple
weeks for a single-maintainer who might be on holiday), there's plenty of
time for this to bite hard.  In the past, this meant that broken packages
would remain available on hackage for a long time.  At least now the
package maintainers can do so themselves, but it still means that broken
packages have escaped into the wild, which is also bad.

> Let me relax my position just a bit. If package maintainers are not going
> to be responsive to updates in the Hackage ecosystem, then I agree that
> they should use the PVP. I also think they should advertise their packages
> as not being actively maintained, and people should try to avoid using them
> if possible. But if an author is giving quick updates to packages, I don't
> see a huge benefit to the PVP for users, and instead see some downsides
> (inability to test against newer dependencies), not to mention the much
> higher maintenance burden for library authors.

What do you consider "responsive"?  2 hours?  24?  1 week?  I suspect that
you have IMO unrealistic expectations of maintainers, so I think it would
be good to get into specifics.
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