Latest Template Haskell Breaks Package

Dominic Steinitz dominic at
Tue Dec 23 15:06:45 UTC 2014

Hi Erik,

Thank you very much. With that clue the compilation now doesn’t fail at that particular point.

The bad news is it now fails to compile this module

with a parse error(!). Not only do I not have much experience with TH but this has now exposed my ignorance of CPP.

> Data/Yarr/Utils/Primitive.hs:119:126: Parse error in pattern: con

If I comment out the last four lines

> PRIM_COMP_INST(Int, I#, (<=#), (>=#))
> PRIM_COMP_INST(Char, C#, leChar#, geChar#)
> PRIM_COMP_INST(Word, W#, leWord#, geWord#)
> PRIM_COMP_INST(Double, D#, (<=##), (>=##))
> PRIM_COMP_INST(Float, F#, leFloat#, geFloat#)

then the module compiles but of course then the whole package does *not* compile.

Did something change in 7.8.3 with regard to CPP (this code has not been modified for at least two years)?

Thanks once again.

Dominic Steinitz
dominic at

On 23 Dec 2014, at 13:42, Erik Hesselink <hesselink at> wrote:

> Hi Dominic,
> It looks like just a representation change: a TySynEqn is a data type
> containing a [Type] and a Type, and those were the original two
> arguments. So it looks like with a little bit of CPP, you could
> support both versions. Something like
> #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
> ...
> #else
> ...
> #endif
> In general, I think each major release of template haskell has quite
> some breaking changes, but I don't know of any place where they're
> enumerated. The GHC changelog only has a couple of high level bullet
> points.
> Regards,
> Erik
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Dominic Steinitz <dominic at> wrote:
>> I realise I should have sent this to the libraries list.
>> Dominic Steinitz
>> dominic at
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Dominic Steinitz <dominic at>
>> Subject: Latest Template Haskell Breaks Package
>> Date: 23 December 2014 13:14:26 GMT
>> To: Haskell-Cafe <haskell-cafe at>
>> Hello Fellow Haskellers,
>> I have become a maintainer for yarr
>> ( This no longer compiles with
>> ghc-7.8.3 because it specifies base == 4.6. Relaxing this to base >=4.6 &&
>> <4.8 tells me I need a newer version of Template Haskell
>> rejecting: template-haskell-,,,,,
>>,, (conflict: yarr => template-haskell>=2.8 && <2.9)
>> If I now relax the constraint for Template Haskell I get a compiler error as
>> there has been a breaking change from Template Haskell 2.9 to 2.10.
>> Data/Yarr/Utils/FixedVector/VecTuple.hs:45:16:
>>    Couldn't match expected type ‘TypeQ -> Q Dec’
>>                with actual type ‘Q Dec’
>>    The function ‘tySynInstD’ is applied to three arguments,
>>    but its type ‘Name -> TySynEqnQ -> DecQ’ has only two
>> And indeed looking at the changes in
>> I can see that the function in question has changed.
>> -tySynInstD :: Name -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> DecQ
>> -tySynInstD tc tys rhs =
>> +tySynInstD :: Name -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ
>> +tySynInstD tc eqns =
>> Did I miss some announcement of this breaking change and the advice on what
>> to do about it?
>> If I did can someone please point me at the relevant document. If not then I
>> feel sad and would be very grateful if someone could help me as I know very
>> little about Template Haskell.
>> Many thanks
>> Dominic Steinitz
>> dominic at
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