Am I missing something about unfoldr?

David Feuer david.feuer at
Fri Aug 15 02:44:20 UTC 2014

I think that "for lists" version is pretty much what I ended up with (I
haven't worked through what all the others might be about yet). I don't
understand the "fight" you refer to, unless you actually mean trying to
implement both foldr/build and destroy/unfoldr at the same time. If you
write hyloList in a more inliner-friendly fashion:

hyloList fnil fcons g = go
     go a = case g a of
        Nothing -> fnil
        Just (x,a') -> fcons x (go a')

and then write

unfoldr g a = build $ \c n -> hyloList n c g a

Then foldr/build gets you

foldr c n (unfoldr g a) = hyloList n c g a

And then if g is statically known and sufficiently simple, the Maybes go
On Aug 14, 2014 10:23 PM, "wren romano" <winterkoninkje at> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 5:10 PM, David Feuer <david.feuer at>
> wrote:
> > I think this is probably what Hinze et al, "Theory and Practice of
> Fusion"
> > describes as the fold/unfold law, "a fold after an unfold is a hylo" but
> I
> > don't know enough to read that paper.
> The two main styles of fusion are build/foldr and unfoldr/destroy. The
> difference is in which side of the slash has the recursion. GHC's
> choice to use build/foldr is because that worked more nicely with
> various other facets of the language; this is discussed in some of the
> early papers about list fusion in GHC.
> The issue we run into is that you can't really have unfoldr/foldr
> fusion because having recursion on both sides means they fight with
> each other. But! we can fuse the operations together into a single
> operation, and that single operation should behave nicely with both
> build/foldr and unfoldr/destroy styles of fusion.
> A catamorphism is the class of recursion schemes you get by
> generalizing over the list data type in foldr (hence foldr is the list
> instance of cata). Dually, an anamorphism is the class of corecursion
> schemes you get by generalizing over the list data type in unfoldr
> (hence unfoldr is the list instance of ana). If we use an anamorphism
> to expand some "seed" value into a structure (e.g., a list), but then
> we immediately use a catamorphism to destroy that structure to produce
> a "summary" value, then we can eliminate the intermediate structure
> and just go from seed to summary directly. That's what hylomorphisms
> do. So we have:
>     roll :: F (fix F) -> fix F
>     unroll :: fix F -> F (fix F)
>     cata :: (F b -> b) -> fix F -> b
>     cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . unroll
>     ana :: (a -> F a) -> a -> fix F
>     ana g = roll . fmap (ana g) . g
>     hylo :: (F b -> b) -> (a -> F a) -> a -> b
>     hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g
> where
>     cata f . ana g
>     == {definition}
>     f . fmap (cata f) . unroll . roll . fmap (ana g) . g
>     == {unroll/roll fusion}
>     f . fmap (cata f) . fmap (ana g) . g
>     == {functor law}
>     f . fmap (cata f . ana g) . g
>     == {inductive hypothesis}
>     f . fmap (hylo f g) . g
>     == {definition}
>     hylo f g
> More specifically for lists:
>     hyloList :: b -> (x -> b -> b) -> (a -> Maybe (x,a)) -> a -> b
>     hyloList fnil fcons g a =
>         case g a of
>         Nothing -> fnil
>         Just (x,a') -> fcons x (hyloList fnil fcons g a')
> If we inline hyloList whenever g is known concretely, then the
> intermediate Maybe(_,_) structure will be fused away by the
> case-of-constructor transform.
> Hopefully that should be enough to get you started?
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
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