transformers: remove instance MonadFix ExceptT and ErrorT

David Feuer david.feuer at
Wed Aug 13 00:02:13 UTC 2014

On Aug 12, 2014 7:50 PM, "Bertram Felgenhauer" <
bertram.felgenhauer at> wrote:
> I tend to agree that those MonadFix instances are not immensely useful.

>From my perspective as a generally ignorant person, I think these should be
kept as long as

1. They satisfy the required laws and
2. No more useful instances can be written.

That said, it might make sense to remove them if

1*. You can formulate a new law that distinguishes the instances you
consider sensible from the ones you consider insensible.

and to change them if
2*. More useful instances can be written.

If potential confusion is the only issue, improving the documentation would
probably be the way to go.

David Feuer
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