Proposal: add ifM and whenM to Control.Monad

Greg Weber greg at
Mon Apr 21 00:23:46 UTC 2014

I don't understand how the existing naming convention for promoting
functions to monadic versions can apply to when/unless since they already
operate on monads.

I would hesitate to use an 'm' prefix for monadic code is because the
Monoid typeclass does that (mempty, mappend, mconcat).
I would support a change in the documented convention for the 'm' prefix to
only being used for MonadPlus (in addition to Monoid).

+1 on  whenM and unlessM

I haven't found myself needing ifM, but I will look at my code and see if I
was missing opportunities to make it nicer.

On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 4:22 PM, wren romano <winterkoninkje at>wrote:

> +1 for finally adding ifM, whenM, and unlessM to Control.Monad (what
> about guardM?)
> As far as bike-shedding goes, the naming-convention abiding mif,
> mwhen, and munless are also fine— albeit they look a bit strange.
> While the official fooM vs mfoo convention is spelled out in
> Control.Monad, I don't know how much anyone actually pays attention to
> that; a lot of people use the fooM pattern ubiquitously instead. In
> practice the mfoo pattern is only used with mzero, mplus, msum, and
> mfilter— so in practice it seems more like "mfoo means the MonadPlus
> variant of foo" whereas "fooM means the Monad variant of foo".
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
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