Proposal: add ifM and whenM to Control.Monad
Edward Kmett
ekmett at
Sun Apr 20 21:42:58 UTC 2014
My mistake. These rules are still in Control.Monad. I just scrolled right
past them.
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Edward Kmett <ekmett at> wrote:
> The principled objection to giving these combinators the "obvious" names
> in Control.Monad is that that module has historically held to a detailed
> convention that these proposed names unfortunately don't fit. =/
> The functions in this library use the following naming conventions:
>> - A postfix 'M' always stands for a function in the Kleisli category:
>> The monad type constructor m is added to function results (modulo
>> currying) and nowhere else. So, for example,
>> filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
>> filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
>> - A postfix '_' changes the result type from (m a) to (m ()). Thus,
>> for example:
>> sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
>> sequence_ :: Monad m => [m a] -> m ()
>> - A prefix 'm' generalizes an existing function to a monadic form.
>> Thus, for example:
>> sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
>> msum :: MonadPlus m => [m a] -> m a
> That said, if we do adopt them, they probably should get the ifM, whenM,
> unlessM names.
> I don't think the convention has been documented in Control.Monad itself
> for years.
> -Edward
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Mario Pastorelli <
> pastorelli.mario at> wrote:
>> Hi Herbert,
>> in general I like pattern matching but not when boolean values are
>> involved. Your code is nice but, in my opinion, still far from the elegance
>> of
>> f = unlessM (doesDirectoryExist path) $ do
>> putStrLn $ "Creating directory " ++ path
>> createDirectory path
>> In particular, note that I don't have to take care of the False case and
>> the code doesn't have boilerplate.
>> While your solution is more general, I would like to point out that when
>> and unless are so useful that they got their own functions in the library
>> instead of relying on pattern matching. I consider ifM, whenM and unlessM
>> as alternate versions of existing functions.
>> On 04/20/2014 09:59 PM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
>>> Hi Mario,
>>> On 2014-04-20 at 21:10:03 +0200, Mario Pastorelli wrote:
>>>> I would like to propose the addition of two new combinators to
>>>> Control.Monad:
>>>> ifM :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
>>>> whenM :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
>>> [...]
>>> f = do
>>>> dirDoesntExist <- not <$> doesDirectoryExist path
>>>> when dirDoesntExist $ do
>>>> putStrLn $ "Creating directory " ++ path
>>>> createDirectory path
>>> While I'm neutral on this proposal, I'd like to remind that LambdaCase
>>> may be useful to avoid temporary variables as well (and is even more
>>> useful for types other than Bool):
>>> f = doesDirectoryExist path >>= \case
>>> True -> return ()
>>> False -> do
>>> putStrLn $ "Creating directory " ++ path
>>> createDirectory path
>>> Cheers,
>>> hvr
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