Proposal: Changes to the PVP

Erik Hesselink hesselink at
Wed Apr 9 12:25:24 UTC 2014

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Michael Snoyman <michael at> wrote:
> However, all of these problems are solved completely by version freezing. I
> think we need to be honest about the PVP: it does a good job of ensuring
> builds succeed most of the time, but it does not solve all problems. Should
> should be encouraging users to be using more reliable solutions. I'm worried
> that people are falsely relying on the PVP as a panacea for build problems.

I think you're placing too much faith in version freezing. There
should still be a good story about upgrading the dependencies of a
'frozen' package. If this will result in lots of build failures
because of missing upper bounds (don't follow the PVP since we have
freezing) then this will be costly. So I think even in the presence of
freezing (which we don't have yet) I think the PVP is still important.
Also, I don't think we're going to freeze libraries on hackage, so
just installing a package to play with it will also still involve an
unfrozen build.


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