Proposal: Add a strict version of <$> for monads

Tom Ellis tom-lists-haskell-cafe-2013 at
Fri Nov 29 18:42:57 UTC 2013

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 12:03:43PM -0500, Carter Schonwald wrote:
> could someone explain to me why this <$!> would be for monads rather being
> more generally also for functors or applicatives?

It's not clear whether such a thing can be implemented for a functor or
applicative.  It seemingly needs to exploit the fact that the next action in
a bind can depend on the "value returned by" the previous action.

Still, the semantics depend very much on the laziness properties of the
monad in question.

    f <$!> m = do
        a <- m
        return $! f a
    data R x = R x 
    data S x = S x
    data T x = T x
    instance Monad T where
        return = T
        m >>= f = T (case m of T m' -> case f m' of T y -> y)
    instance Monad S where
        return = S
        m >>= f = case m of S m' -> S (case f m' of S y -> y)
        -- Equivalent implementation
        -- S m' >>= f = S (case f m' of S y -> y)               
    instance Monad R where
        return = R
        m >>= f = case m of R m' -> case f m' of R y -> R y
        -- Equivalent implementations:
        -- m >>= f = case m of R m' -> f m'
        -- R m' >>= f = f m'
    try :: Monad m => m Int -> ()       
    try l = (+1) <$!> l `seq` ()

    *Main> try (undefined :: T Int)
    *Main> try (T undefined :: T Int)

    *Main> try (undefined :: S Int)
    *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
    *Main> try (S undefined :: S Int)

    *Main> try (undefined :: R Int)
    *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
    *Main> try (R undefined :: R Int)
    *** Exception: Prelude.undefined


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