Proposal: free shrinking with QuickCheck

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at
Fri Nov 22 01:05:09 UTC 2013

alternatively, would it be possible to have a default definition of shrink
using generics? (I'm still chewing on your email, but sounds like the
current definition doesn't have a default generic method!)

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Reid Draper <reiddraper at> wrote:

> I originally sent this message to the QuickCheck mailing list,
> but haven't heard anything in a while, and realized there are
> only ten subscribers. Below is the original message, any feedback
> appreciated.
> ---
> I have an idea to eliminate the `shrink` function from the `Arbitrary` type
> class. Currently, users can optionally implement shrinking manually, this
> tends
> to be boilerplate code and is "...clearly a generic programming problem"
> [1].
> Further, users often have to create separate types to accommodate their
> domain's restrictions. For example, a user may wish to only generate
> power-of-two numbers for their test. Their code simply uses `Int`, but with
> QuickCheck they must create a `newtype` wrapper and implement this logic in
> both the `arbitrary` and `shrink` implementation. My idea is to
> eliminate the `shrink` function, and to integrate shrinking with the
> `arbitrary` function. Currently, the type for `arbitrary` is:
>     arbitrary :: Gen a
> and `Gen` has the definition:
>     newtype Gen a = MkGen{ unGen :: StdGen -> Int -> a }
> I suggest that instead of the inner-function returning `a`s, it should
> return
> `RoseTree a`. The root of the tree is the generated value, and the rest of
> the
> tree is all of the ways to shrink the value. Here's how things would fit
> together:
>     data RoseTree a = RoseTree a [RoseTree a]
>     -- this is the same as the current Gen
>     newtype Generator a = Gen { unGen :: StdGen -> Int -> a }
>     newtype Gen a = MkGen { unGen :: Gen (RoseTree a) }
> Conveniently, `Gen` still has a unary type constructor of `a`. Further, if
> users have implemented their `arbitrary` implementations in terms of the
> QuickCheck combinators, their code won't have to change at all (I don't
> think…).
> The lower-level combinators would be updated to manipulate trees, with
> functions like `joinRose` and `filterRose`. Let's next look at how `Gen`
> would implement the monad type class:
>     instance Monad Gen where
>         return = MkGen . return . return
>         gen >>= f = MkGen $ helper (unGen gen) (unGen . f)
>             -- sequence is from Data.Traversable
>             where helper m k = m >>= \y -> fmap joinRose $ sequence $ fmap
> k y
> The implementation of `return` is clear. `>>=` isn't too bad either: the
> function provided to bind will return `Gen b`'s, and `joinRose` and
> `sequence`
> help us pull this `Generator (RoseTree b))` 'out', much like `join` does.
> This
> means our users can still write code like:
>     (arbitrary :: Gen [Int]) >>= elements
> Which brings up a good point. The above code has an issue, `elements` is a
> partial function with respect to the empty list. With the current
> implementation, we'd use the `NonEmptyList` modifier, which much respect
> this
> predicate both during generation and shrinking. This change would allow all
> predicates to be expressed simply with `suchThat`, which, since it acts on
> both
> values _and_ shrink trees, applies the predicate in both places. The
> implementation of `suchThat` would have to unwrap `Gen`, and apply
> `roseFilter`
> to the `RoseTree` inside of `Generator`, using `fmap`.
> I have implemented the above description in my Clojure port of QuickCheck,
> called simple-check [1], and it seems to be working quite nicely. Further,
> I
> suspect Erlang QuickCheck [3] is doing something similar, though their
> implementation is not open source, I can't presume too much.
> Clearly this would be a big change, and my goal now is simply to start a
> discussion: how does this sound? What's wrong, what's likely to break?
> Feedback
> and criticism welcome.
> Reid
> [1] Scrap your boilerplate with class: extensible generic functions:
> [2]
> [3]
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