Pointed [Re: 2014 Applicative => Monad proposal]

John Wiegley johnw at fpcomplete.com
Sun May 26 02:15:14 CEST 2013

>>>>> Dan Doel <dan.doel at gmail.com> writes:

> Pointed is pretty bad for this. Or, maybe, it's good: there's nothing to
> reason about, because there's nothing you can reason about. It just does
> _something_ unspecified. Hopefully something that is good for combining with
> some other type class.

Your argument here convinces me.  Since Pointed doesn't come with laws, it's
not as valuable a tool for abstraction as I had thought.

> Anyhow, I'm -1 on Pointed, in case anyone couldn't tell.

Changing to -1.

John Wiegley
FP Complete                         Haskell tools, training and consulting
http://fpcomplete.com               johnw on #haskell/irc.freenode.net

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