Pointed [Re: 2014 Applicative => Monad proposal]

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Sun May 26 00:23:47 CEST 2013

the read . show example is something of a red herring, which could be
solved with explicit type annotations, namely

id ::Show a, Read a => a -> a
id x = read $ show x

(or some variant of read that has a type like
read :: String -> Proxy t -> t, so that the type selection is made explicit
in the API)

the ill-definedness semanticaly for pointed doesn't see to be simply of the
"a type annotation is missing" sort.

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Andreas Abel <andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de>wrote:

> Pointed f  alone does not give you any guarantees, you cannot exclude
> weird definitions like the one given by you or just
>   point a = undefined
> which is even worse, because it does not even give you non-emptyness of (f
> a).
> But there are many useful type classes that cannot give you guarantees by
> themselves.  Consider Show and Read (used as printer and parser for
> abstract syntax).  Nothing prevents you to define show to print the empty
> string or Nietzsche quotes.  The defect becomes apparant only in the
> presence of Read, when laws like
>    read . show == id
> fail.  I don't suppose that every type class must unfold its full meaning
> by itself.
> Thanks for suggesting MonoidOver, but I do not see any more laws coming
> from that than from Pointed + Monoid.  As long as you cannot take apart a
> monoid element into its atoms, you cannot state that embed does what you
> want.
> Anyway, I think Pointed is useful, but its uses are not so frequent that
> it must be in base.  It is very little work to define the class and the
> instances one needs, so I can continue to do so if I need it.
> On the other hand, in category theory Pointed is a standard notion, so it
> would make sense to push this piece of vocabulary.  Also, I see the
> singleton list constructor (:[]) quite often, and "point" would be more
> readable than this.
> Yet, it seems that there is no majority for Pointed, so discussing this
> much longer is pointless.
> On 25.05.13 5:33 PM, Dan Doel wrote:
>> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Andreas Abel <andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
>> <mailto:andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.**de <andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de>>> wrote:
>>     Pointed is a superclass of Applicative, taking the role of pure, but
>>     not related to Functor.  I do not see the problem.
>> The problem is: what is a Pointed? It's just anything with kind * -> *
>> for which you can write a function with that type. Is the following a
>> good definition, for instance?
>>      newtype Foo a = Foo ((a -> a -> a) -> a -> a)
>>      instance Pointed Foo where
>>        point x = Foo $ \m -> m x
>> How about this:
>>      newtype Bar r a = Bar (a -> r)
>>      instance Monoid m => Pointed (Bar m) where
>>        point _ = Bar $ const mempty
>> (Bar m is even a monoid for monoids m).
>> In particular...
>> John Wiegley wrote:
>>  > (in order to limit the scope of what must be reasoned about)
>> Pointed is pretty bad for this. Or, maybe, it's good: there's nothing to
>> reason about, because there's nothing you can reason about. It just does
>> _something_ unspecified. Hopefully something that is good for combining
>> with some other type class.
>> I've reluctantly come around to the Apply/Bind classes (despite them
>> having bad names), because they actually follow the way people typically
>> build up structure in algebra. Rarely do you see people defining 'a
>> monoid is a pointed set equipped with an associative binary operation
>> that uses the point as an identity.' It's much more likely that you see,
>> 'a monoid is a semigroup with an identity for the binary operation.' I
>> suspect that's even how many people would like to see the hierarchy at
>> this point: Semigroup m => Monoid m. And not Default m => Monoid m,
>> because Default is just ad-hoc nonsense (even if it's sometimes useful).
>> To answer your original question, perhaps a somewhat better way of
>> characterizing the problem is probably talking about 'monoids m over
>> type a'. Perhaps something like:
>>      class Monoid m => MonoidOver a m | m -> a where
>>        embed :: a -> m
>> which expresses that m is expected to be generated (as a monoid) by a in
>> some way. Then maybe you can say something about how it interacts with
>> the Monoid operations, which seems preferable to me to, "the operation
>> of this class does anything, except if the type is also a monoid, or if
>> it's also a monad...."
>> Anyhow, I'm -1 on Pointed, in case anyone couldn't tell.
>> -- Dan
> --
> Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.
> Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
> Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY
> andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
> http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~**abel/ <http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~abel/>
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