Pointed [Re: 2014 Applicative => Monad proposal]

John Lato jwlato at gmail.com
Sat May 25 04:36:20 CEST 2013

> > On the other hand with classes like Apply or Bind you get access to
lots of useful semigroup-like structures you can still reason about in
general, not in particular, including things that can't be made
Applicative/Monadic. (e.g. IntMap).
> One example is that Bind would occasionally be handy for EDSLs that
> don't permit lifting arbitrary values as a no-op. Incidentally,
> desugaring do notation does not actually use return at all, if memory
> serves me...

This strikes me as a very good reason for pointed.  Similar to how I'd like
to see GArr included in ghc.

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