Burning bridges

Petr Pudlák petr.mvd at gmail.com
Fri May 24 09:30:25 CEST 2013

Dne 24.5.2013 04:57, Bardur Arantsson napsal(a):
> On 05/24/2013 03:37 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:
>> On 5/21/13 2:22 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>>> | I'm generally a staunch advocate of backward compatibility. However,
>>> | these issues are ones where we've known the right answer for a long time
>>> | (unlike refactoring the numeric type class hierarchy), and we've simply
>>> | been unwilling to burn bridges in order to do the right thing. I love
>>> | Haskell, and I respect the haskell' committee, but I think it's time to
>>> | just burn it all down.
>>> ...
>>> | With all that has changed in the last 15 years, I think it's high time
>>> | to fork Haskell, tear off all the bandaids, and begin afresh.
>>> I'm not sure what you are proposing, concrete, by "fork Haskell".
>> * Unify pure/return. Depends on Applicative => Monad.
>> * Add join method to Monad, with default definitions for join/(>>=).
>> * Remove fail from Monad (add Monad => MonadFail, if desired).
>> * Make the (<$) method of Functor more official. When starting up
>> ghci-7.6.1, it only gives (<$) qualified as (GHC.Base.<$)
>> * Replace Enum by type classes which do not require partial functions. (I
>> have a more concrete proposal for this one, which I'll put on Hackage in
>> the next week or so.) This isn't a hot topic like the others, but it's
>> part of the general concern about having partial functions as
>> standard/required parts of the language.
>> * Remove from the Prelude things which are not required for resolving
>> circularity. This is highly controversial, but I think it would help
>> minimize future issues. If desired, in order to reduce imports, we could
>> have an Interlude which serves the kitchen-sink role of the current
>> Prelude but which requires an explicit import rather than being implicit
>> like the Prelude is.
>> * Remove the list-monomorphic versions of Foldable/Traversable functions.
>> And/or export them from a separate PegagogicalHaskell module for learners
>> to use, such that they do not materially affect intermediate/advanced
>> Haskellers.
> (snip misc. other suggestions.)
> I'm a bit surprised I haven't seen anyone mention it, but the Go
> community have a tool which can automate a lot of the tedium of API
> transitions:
>     http://blog.golang.org/2011/04/introducing-gofix.html
> Maybe I'm missing something, but surely this kind of tool (a "hlint on
> steriods", I guess) could be written for many of the breaking changes
> that have been suggested in recent days on this list.
> Gofix specifically doesn't try to fix absolutely *everything*, but it
> fixes all the trivial stuff which is extremely annoying, but
> automatable, such as import lists, module/function renames, etc. (For a
> recent example, see "catch".)
> Heck, one could even imagine building in a "--future" mode into such a
> program to handle changes "one version ahead" during the deprecation
> cycle (which I assume we're not getting rid of). It could, for example,
> start issuing appropriate warnings for the Applicative => Monad
> transition. (Which would mean that we wouldn't need ad-hoc modifications
> to GHC to support such transitions.)
> AFAICT having such a tool in the Go ecosystem has been a huge boon, at
> least while the language and APIs were developing and in the transition
> from Go 1.0 to 1.1.

I'd also support the suggestion of making several changes at once, that 
solve many recurring problems. For me it's easier to make one big 
upgrade to my code once, than to make a small upgrade every now and then 
if the language changes in small steps.

The idea of making an automated tool is really great, I was just 
thinking about something similar. Some changes would be really trivial, 
like adding "import Interlude". Some would be slightly more complex, 
like refactoring Monad instances into Applicative+Monad, but I believe 
it'd be very well possible.

   Best regards,

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