foldable flexible bridges (putting foldable+traversable in prelude) Re: Burning bridges

Oliver Charles ollie at
Tue May 21 14:20:06 CEST 2013

On 21 May 2013 11:35, "Henning Thielemann" <lemming at>
> On Tue, 21 May 2013, Carter Schonwald wrote:
>> 2) does the change make learning the language more challenging? No. In
fact, i've encountered *many* more
>> smart people getting confused as to why the map / fold etc in prelude
are all list specific than i've seen
>> people struggle with type classes.
> The Haskell beginners I know, even have problems with 'map' and even more
'fold' being higher order functions.

As a Haskell beginner I actually found in confusing that once I'd learnt
the prelude functions I had to learn more functions again to get to the
generalised functions. I would have rather been taught the general
functions in the specific frame of lists, and then show why the type
signature is more general than one for lists

- ocharles
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