Proposal: fix Enum Double instance

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at
Sat Jul 6 01:30:48 CEST 2013

Also +1 from me, including exporting enumFromStepTo (I typically want
this a lot more than enumFromThenTo, and having to calculate what the
"then" value is tends to get rather tedious).

On 6 July 2013 02:14, Felipe Almeida Lessa <felipe.lessa at> wrote:
> +1, it can't get better than this.
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Twan van Laarhoven <twanvl at> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I would like to make a counterproposal in the Enum Double debate: Instead of
>> deprecating or removing the instances, how about just fixing them?
>> A perfect instance for Enum Double is not possible, because arithmetic is
>> inexact. But you can actually get awfully close. I.e. instead of allowing
>> the final value to be at most step/2 past the end, we can allow it to be at
>> most about 2e-16*step past the end. In many practical applications this is
>> close enough to not be a problem.
>> Now for some more detail on the design:
>> * First of all, Haskell's enumFromThenTo is stupid, because calculating
>> step=then-from destroys numerical accuracy. So I will focus on implementing
>> a function enumFromStepTo. You can still implement enumFromThenTo on top of
>> it. But it might also make sense to expose enumFromStepTo.
>> * It is possible to write an exact instance for Rational. It is IMO
>> unacceptable that Haskell currently does not use this correct instance. I
>> will use this Rational instance as a baseline for comparison.
>>     instance EnumFromStepTo Rational where
>>       enumFromStepTo f s t
>>         | s >= 0 && f <= t = f : enumFromStepTo (f + s) s t
>>         | s <  0 && f >= t = f : enumFromStepTo (f + s) s t
>>         | otherwise = []
>> * Writing a loop naively, by recursing with from' = from+step will result in
>> accumulating the error of the addition. On the other hand, Doubles can
>> represent integer numbers exactly up to 2^53, so it is better to use values
>> from+i*step.
>> * Assume for simplicity that step>0. The stopping condition will then be of
>> the form  from+i*step-to > 0. When this quantity is 0 then the final value
>> should be included, otherwise it shouldn't be.
>> * Now for an error analysis. Assume that we start with
>>    f,s,t :: Rational
>>   and call
>>    let f' = fromRational f
>>    let s' = fromRational s
>>    let t' = fromRational t
>>    enumFromThenTo f' s' t'
>>  The fromRational function rounds a rational number to the nearest
>> representable Double. The relative error in f' is therefore bounded by abs
>> (f-f') ≤ ε * abs f, where ε is the half the maximum distance between two
>> adjacent doubles, which is about 1.11e-16. similarly for s' and t'. the
>> result of an addition or multiplication operation will also be rounded to
>> the nearest representable Double.
>>  So, the total error in our stopping condition is bounded by
>>  err(f+i*s-t)
>>    ≤ ε * abs f             -- representing f
>>    + ε * i * abs s         -- representing s, amplified by i
>>    + ε * i * abs s         -- error in calculating (*), i * s
>>    + ε * abs (f + i*s)     -- error in calculating (+), f + (i*s)
>>    + ε * abs t             -- representing t
>>    + ε * abs (f + i*s - t) -- error in calculating (-)
>>  Note that the last term of the bound is the thing we are bounding. So we
>> can handle that by picking a slightly larger epsilon, eps = ε/(1-ε).
>>  This leads to the following implementation of enumFromStepTo:
>>     enumFromStepToEps eps !f !s !t = go 0
>>       where
>>       go i
>>         | s >= 0 && x <= t = x : go (i+1)
>>         | s <  0 && x >= t = x : go (i+1)
>>         | abs (x - t) < eps * bound = [x]
>>         | otherwise = []
>>         where
>>         x = f + i * s
>>         bound = abs f + 2 * abs (i * s) + abs t + abs x
>>   with eps = 1.12e-16 :: Double
>>   or   eps = 5.97e-8 :: Float
>> I have done extensive experiments with this implementation and many
>> variants, and I believe it will work in all cases.
>> Now for enumFromTo, i.e. step=1 we could make a special case, since we know
>> that step is exactly equal to 1, so there is no representation error. We
>> could get rid of the multiplication, and replace i*s by 0 in the error
>> calculation.
>> Another issue that remains is enumFromThenTo. If we take
>>   step = then - from
>> then the relative error in step is bounded by
>>   |step' - step| ≤ ε * (|then| + |from| + |then - from|).
>> This error gets multiplied by i, so it can unfortunately become quite large.
>> I think it would be best if we use the more general
>>     enumFromStepToEps' !eps !f !s !sErr !t = go 0
>>       where
>>       go i
>>         | s >= 0 && x <= t = x : go (i+1)
>>         | s <  0 && x >= t = x : go (i+1)
>>         | abs (x - t) < eps * bound = [x]
>>         | otherwise = []
>>         where
>>         x = f + i * s
>>         bound = abs f + abs (i * s) + abs (i * sErr) + abs t + abs x
>>    enumFromStepTo f s t = enumFromStepToEps' eps f s s t
>>    enumFromTo     f   t = enumFromStepToEps' eps f 1 0 t
>>    enumFromThenTo f h t = enumFromStepToEps' eps f (h - f)
>>                               (abs h + abs f + abs (h - f)) t
>> I have also looked at what other language implementations do. So far I have
>> found that:
>>  * Octave uses a similar method, with the bound
>>      3 * double_epsilon * max (abs x) (abs t),
>>    which is less tight than my bound.
>>    see
>>  * numpy just uses an array with length ceil((to-from)/step)
>>    see
>>    It therefore suffers from numerical inaccuracies:
>>    $ python
>>    >>> from numpy import arange
>>    >>> notone = 9/7. - 1/7. - 1/7.
>>    >>> notone
>>    1.0000000000000002
>>    >>> len(arange(1,1))
>>    0
>>    >>> len(arange(1,notone))
>>    1
>> In summary:
>>  * change Enum Rational to the always correct implementation
>>  * change Enum Double and Enum Float to the almost-always correct
>> implementation propose above.
>>  * (optional) expose the enumFromStepTo function.
>> Twan
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Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at

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