Proposal: Non-allocating way to iterate over a Data.Map: traverseWithKey_

Ryan Newton rrnewton at
Fri Jul 5 02:41:16 CEST 2013

> After playing a bit with Ryan's benchmark, I no longer think that the
> order matters much for the total number of allocations. Nor do I believe
> in first-class vs non-first-class IO actions. All that should matter is
> how many allocations we can move to the stack. But I haven't yet figured
> out why exactly different versions differ so drastically in this regard.

Yeah, it's all rather different to predict in advance, isn't it?

I tried your alternate foldrWithKey and I saw it heap allocating as well.

Further, -O0 vs. -O2 can make a big difference.  It's a little frustrating
because for dealing efficiently with big data sets, especially in parallel.
 It would be nice to have big-O numbers in the docs for heap allocation as
well as time cost -- and ones you could trust irrespective of optimize

By the way, is traverse/traverseWithKey supposed to guarantee a specific
order?  The doc uses this code in the definition:

v) -> (,) k $<$>
k v) (toList<>

And I thought "toList" didn't guarantee anything (as opposed to
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