Haskell Platform proposal: Add case-insensitive
Bas van Dijk
v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 11:47:40 CET 2013
Adding the following rewrite rule makes the "case-insensitve"
benchmark as fast as the "no-class" benchmark:
"mk/ByteString" forall (bs :: B.ByteString). mk bs = CI bs (foldCaseBS bs)
foldCaseBS :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
foldCaseBS bs = B.map toLower8' bs
toLower8' :: Word8 -> Word8
toLower8' w
| 65 <= w && w <= 90 ||
192 <= w && w <= 214 ||
216 <= w && w <= 222 = w + 32
| otherwise = w
Strangely, using the existing foldCase method or the toLower8 function
makes the code slow again.
I committed[1] this to the "hp" branch.
[1] https://github.com/basvandijk/case-insensitive/commit/158e0f02a7832ebe7e46f5784f87a0923e8ea3e6
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