Removing MonadFail from Monad

adam vogt vogt.adam at
Tue Dec 17 00:50:33 UTC 2013

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 5:26 PM, David Luposchainsky
<dluposchainsky at> wrote:
> Desugaring is then changed to the following:
> ```haskell
> -- Explicitly irrefutable pattern: do not add MonadFail constraint
> do ~pat <- computation     >>>     let f pat = more
>    more                    >>>     in  computation >>= f
> -- Only one data constructor: do not add MonadFail constraint
> do (Only x) <- computation     >>>     let f (Only x) = more
>    more                        >>>     in  computation >>= f
> -- Otherwise: add MonadFail constraint
> do pat <- computation     >>>     let f pat = more
>    more                   >>>         f _   = fail "..."
>                           >>>     in  computation >>= f
> ```

Hello David,

GHC can already do this for you. Only `f' below has no MonadFail in
the inferred type:

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import Prelude hiding (fail)
class MonadFail m where fail :: String -> m a
f x = do x <- x; x
g x = do Just y <- return Nothing; x
h x = do (a, Just b) <- x; a

A specification for "pattern can fail given input that is fully
defined" outside of ghc might be
Otherwise I suppose section "3.17.2" of the 2010 report covers this


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