text, warp and blaze-builder

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Mon Dec 9 16:25:06 UTC 2013

On Mon, 9 Dec 2013, Christian Maeder wrote:

> Am 09.12.2013 16:19, schrieb Johan Tibell:

>> You typically get these errors when you try to use two versions of a
>> package at the same time. Are you building with cabal? If so it should
>> have warned you about that.
> no, I just call "ghc --make ..."
> When I add "-hide-package text-" to the command line, then compilation 
> goes through, but linking fails.
> Obviously, having two versions is bad. Maybe I should install the old text 
> version explicitly first and reinstall all other packages.

Cabal assists with that problem. You may run

   cabal install --reinstall --constraint="text=="

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