Proposal: Adding generics-based rnf-helper to `deepseq`

wren ng thornton wren at
Sun Sep 23 08:13:28 CEST 2012

On 9/21/12 6:11 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
>   [1]: another impleemtation detail would be, whether to make
>        `genericRnf` visible directly in `Control.DeepSeq` or in a
>        separate module such as `Control.DeepSeq.Generics`

I'm agnostic on the issue of including genericRnf rather than keeping 
the packages separate; but if it is included, I definitely think it 
ought to be put in a separate module. Having the API of a module depend 
on CPP/flags/... is a terrible maintenance issue--- for client code, I 
mean. But just having a module be absent/present makes the divide clear, 
and makes it a lot easier to work with.

Live well,

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