ANNOUNCE: dbus 0.10

John Millikin jmillikin at
Sat Jun 23 19:10:06 CEST 2012

This is completing the merger of the "dbus-core" and "dbus-client"
packages. The new package does everything they can do, but better.

API reference:
Examples: Included in the tarball, and also at

Notable changes:
* The module hierarchy was simplified. Most users will only ever need
the "DBus" and "DBus.Client" modules.
* Exports which were not used or useful have been removed.
* Much better documentation -- most exports now have a description,
and several have examples.
* The source code isn't "literate" any more. Too many people expressed
frustration at trying to contribute, so I just converted it all to
standard flat .hs files.
* Better support for custom socket transports and authentication mechanisms.
* Added support for listening for socket connections. This allows
users to implement both sides of a peer-peer session.
* Various improvements to performance, including moving from "binary"
to "cereal".
* Various minor improvements to correctness.

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