Proposal: Control.Concurrent.Async

wren ng thornton wren at
Sat Jun 16 09:23:56 CEST 2012

On 6/16/12 1:24 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:
> "Future" is a generic term for a particular way of thinking about the
> life cycle of variables (both in AliceML, Mozart/Oz, and in the
> literature). From this perspective *all* variables are futures. For
> example, in the AliceML url you provide, they specifically qualify the
> different kinds of futures:
> * concurrent futures --- something like Async
> * lazy futures --- what Haskell has by default
> * promised futures --- for tying the knot; akin to "static" in Java

Durr, I meant "final" for the non-static members in Java.

> * immediate futures (not mentioned on the AliceML page) --- the standard
> all-at-once way of introducing, binding, and evaluating variables.
> Of course, the concurrent/lazy/promised qualifiers can be combined since
> they define orthogonal axes of temporal distinction.

Live well,

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