Proposal: more general unionWith for Data.Map

wren ng thornton wren at
Fri Jan 27 03:27:22 CET 2012

On 1/24/12 3:39 PM, Milan Straka wrote:
> Hi,
>>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Christian Sattler
>>> <sattler.christian at>  wrote:
>>>> I don't care much about the naming, but note that the analogous
>>>> property already fails for the generalized intersectionWithKey in the
>>>> development version.
>>> I suspected as much. I think the current intersectionWithKey is
>>> broken. We should have a single function, mergeWithKey, that allows
>>> people to do the things they currently do using Maybe return values in
>>> e.g. intersectionWithKey.
>> Funnily, I just also used mergeWithKey for the "ultimate combining
>> function" in this thread :)
>> FYI, the new intersectionWithKey is not released yet -- maybe we could
>> leave intersectionWithKey as it is, and provide mergeWith[Key] instead.
>> Opinions?
> Oh, Christian just noted that the performance of
>    mergeWithKey :: Ord k =>  (k ->  Maybe a ->  Maybe b ->  Maybe c) ->  Map k a ->  Map k b ->  Map k c

If you're going to go for that level of generality, I'd suggest looking 
into my currently unpublished Data.Or[1] for combining the a and b 
arguments with the correct semantics. Naturally, this function will be 
less efficient for union-like operators since it requires traversing 
non-intersecting branches of the trees as well.


Live well,

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