Data.IntMap.Strict.findWithDefault is too strict

Ben Gamari bgamari.foss at
Thu Dec 13 16:49:59 CET 2012

Christian Maeder <Christian.Maeder at> writes:

> Hi,
> when trying out Data.IntMap.Strict instead of Data.IntMap, I've noticed 
> (after some confusion) that Data.IntMap.Strict.findWithDefault evaluates 
> the default value, even if it is not used!
> I usually pass an error-call to IntMap.findWithDefault to get a more 
> informative crash-message than by using IntMap.!
I have also found this to be problematic in the past. Is there a
compelling reason to keep the current behavior? I would find this
function far more useful if the default value were lazily evaluated.


- Ben

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