Faster IntSet by using BitMaps in the lower branches

Joachim Breitner mail at
Sat Sep 17 22:27:45 CEST 2011


for one of my applications, I am generating huge IntSets (and IntMaps),
and I am regularly hitting the memory constraints of my machine. Hence I
am looking for a better implementation of IntSets with smaller memory
foot print, at least in the case of dense sets, e.g. those where it is
likely that a few values are equal in all but the lower 5 or 6 bits.

So instead of a simple tree, I re-implemented IntSet as a tree where the
nodes contain bit maps of one machine word (32 or 64 entries):

Instead of
Data.IntSet> putStr $ showTree $ fromList [-3, -1,1,2,42,100]
|  +--*
|  |  +--*
|  |  |  +-- 1
|  |  |  +-- 2
|  |  +-- 42
|  +-- 100
   +-- -3
   +-- -1

we have

Data.DenesIntSet> putStr $ showTree $ fromList [-3, -1,1,2,42,100]
|  +-- 0 0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000110
|  +-- 64 0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000
+-- -64 1010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The results are promising. I have attached a "progress" graph, comparing
the performance of IntMap with DenseIntMap. As you can see, performance
is better for most common operations, greatly better for intersection
and union, and comparable for fold/filter/findMax/findMin.

And here is the memory usage of an IntSet with one million members and
varying distance between the entries:

$ cat membench.hs
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.DenseIntSet as DS
import System.Environment

main = do
    [what, sizeS, stepS] <- getArgs
    let list = [0,read stepS .. read stepS * read sizeS]
    if what `elem` ["r","R"] then  S.size ( S.fromList list) `seq` return ()
                             else DS.size (DS.fromList list) `seq` return ()

For IntSet, the memory consumption does not change notably with the step

$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS r 1000000 1 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS r 1000000 2 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS r 1000000 10 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS r 1000000 100 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'

But for DenseIntMap, we see that dense maps are, as desired, much more compact:

$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS d 1000000 1 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS d 1000000 2 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS d 1000000 10 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'
$ ./membench +RTS -t -RTS d 1000000 100 2>&1 | perl -n -e '/, (\d+M) in use/ && print "$1\n"'

I have put the code here:

It certainly needs a bit more cleanup, e.g. documenting, commenting and
maybe improving the test coverage (as, after all, I added quite a bit of
logic that can now go wrong). And I did not test the code on a 32 bit
system yet.

But I’d like to hear from you whether this could in principle go into
the containers library (as IntSet, not as DenseIntSet) or if there is a
reason not to use this implementation.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail at  |  nomeata at  |  GPG: 0x4743206C
  xmpp: nomeata at |

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