Minor containers API changes
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at iij.ad.jp
Tue Nov 29 02:29:26 CET 2011
This is off-topic but I'm curious.
Why the container package does not provide a type-class to unify APIs?
Are there any technical/historical reasons?
> Hi everyone,
> I have several containers API changes propositions.
> First five are an attempt to unify the API of different structures. The
> documentation states IntMap is Map replacement and IntSet is Set
> replacement, but there are several shortcomings:
> 1) `{Map,Set}.deleteMin empty` return `empty`
> `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` trigger `error "Cannot delete in empty..."`
> Solutions: (a) make `{Map,Set}.deleteMin empty` throw error
> (b) make `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` return empty
> I vote for (b), because (a) could cause unexpected runtime errors.
> Additionally, I expect very little programs depend on
> `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` causing runtime error.
> 2) `Map.deleteFind{Min,Max}` has type `Map k a -> ((k,a),Map k a)`
> `IntMap.deleteFind{Min,Max}` has type `IntMap a -> (a, IntMap a)`
> Solutions: (a) make the Map variant return only values
> (b) make the IntMap variant return both key and value
> I vote for (b), because it generalizes the original functionality.
> 3) `Map.update{Min,Max}` is given a function of type `(a -> Maybe a)`
> `Map.update{Min,Max}WithKey` is given a function of type `(key -> a -> Maybe a)`
> `IntMap.update{Min,Max}` is given a function of type `(a -> a)`
> `IntMap.update{Min,Max}WithKey` is given a function of type `(key -> a -> a)`
> Solutions: (a) the Map variants would get a function of type `[key -> ] a -> a`
> (b) the IntMap variants would get a function of type `[key -> ] a -> Maybe a`
> I vote for (b), because it generalizes the original functionality.
> 4) The functions
> `mapKeys :: Ord k2 => (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
> `mapKeysWith :: Ord k2 => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
> `mapKeysMonotonic :: (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
> have no IntMap correspondents. Both `mapKeys` and `mapKeysWith`
> can be defined by the user without loss of performance.
> Solutions: (a) deprecate the `mapKeys*` methods from Map
> (b) add the `mapKeys*` methods to IntMap.
> I vote for (a). These methods are all trivial compositions and all
> but all mapKeysMonotonic are defined as such. For mapKeysMonotonic,
> a trivial composition with the same asymptotic complexity exists.
> Also, if these were added to IntMap, none of them would have better
> performance then user-defined methods.
> 5) `toDescList` exists in Map, but not in IntMap, Set or IntSet.
> Solutions: (a) deprecate `Map.toDescList`
> (b) add `toDescList` to IntMap. In this case, we should
> consider adding it also to Set and IntSet.
> I have no strong opinion here. The `toDescList` can be trivially
> expressed as left fold. But it is currently a subject to list fusion.
> To vote for (a).
> Several other changes follow:
> 6) Result of discussion around http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5242
> Add
> `Map.fromSet :: (key -> a) -> Set key -> Map key a`
> `IntMap.fromSet :: (Int -> a) -> IntSet -> IntMap a`
> The implementation would exploit same structure of map and set
> (leave the shape of the original tree/trie, just adding values).
> Cons: fromSet is a trivial composition:
> fromSet f = Map.fromDistinctAscList . map (\k -> (k, f k)) . Set.toAscList
> This can be defined by the user and is asymptotically optimal.
> Pro: performance. Also the performance of keysSet would improve, if
> the map can use data constructors of set.
> I vote for adding these methods.
> 7) Improve the generality of intersectionWith.
> Currently the Map and IntMap define
> intersectionWith :: Ord k => (a -> b -> c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
> intersectionWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
> But the combining function is not general enough. Consider two
> IntMaps storing hashable elements as (hash(element), element).
> When intersecting elements with the same hash, the intersection can
> be empty.
> I propose to change the type of these methods to
> intersectionWith :: Ord k => (a -> b -> Maybe c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
> intersectionWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
> (and appropriately for IntMap).
> Note that the combining function of differenceWith already has type `(a -> b -> Maybe a)`.
> Discussion period: 2 weeks
> Cheers,
> Milan
> PS: Sorry for the long email.
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