Minor containers API changes

Milan Straka fox at ucw.cz
Mon Nov 28 17:28:20 CET 2011

Hi everyone,

I have several containers API changes propositions.

First five are an attempt to unify the API of different structures. The
documentation states IntMap is Map replacement and IntSet is Set
replacement, but there are several shortcomings:

1) `{Map,Set}.deleteMin empty` return `empty`
   `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` trigger `error "Cannot delete in empty..."`

   Solutions: (a) make `{Map,Set}.deleteMin empty` throw error
              (b) make `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` return empty

   I vote for (b), because (a) could cause unexpected runtime errors.
   Additionally, I expect very little programs depend on
   `{IntMap,IntSet}.deleteMin empty` causing runtime error.

2) `Map.deleteFind{Min,Max}` has type `Map k a -> ((k,a),Map k a)`
   `IntMap.deleteFind{Min,Max}` has type `IntMap a -> (a, IntMap a)`

   Solutions: (a) make the Map variant return only values
              (b) make the IntMap variant return both key and value

   I vote for (b), because it generalizes the original functionality.

3) `Map.update{Min,Max}` is given a function of type `(a -> Maybe a)`
   `Map.update{Min,Max}WithKey` is given a function of type `(key -> a -> Maybe a)`
   `IntMap.update{Min,Max}` is given a function of type `(a -> a)`
   `IntMap.update{Min,Max}WithKey` is given a function of type `(key -> a -> a)`

   Solutions: (a) the Map variants would get a function of type `[key -> ] a -> a`
              (b) the IntMap variants would get a function of type `[key -> ] a -> Maybe a`

   I vote for (b), because it generalizes the original functionality.

4) The functions
   `mapKeys :: Ord k2 => (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
   `mapKeysWith :: Ord k2 => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
   `mapKeysMonotonic :: (k1->k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a`
   have no IntMap correspondents.  Both `mapKeys` and `mapKeysWith`
   can be defined by the user without loss of performance.

   Solutions: (a) deprecate the `mapKeys*` methods from Map
              (b) add the `mapKeys*` methods to IntMap.

   I vote for (a). These methods are all trivial compositions and all
   but all mapKeysMonotonic are defined as such. For mapKeysMonotonic,
   a trivial composition with the same asymptotic complexity exists.
   Also, if these were added to IntMap, none of them would have better
   performance then user-defined methods.

5) `toDescList` exists in Map, but not in IntMap, Set or IntSet.

   Solutions: (a) deprecate `Map.toDescList`
              (b) add `toDescList` to IntMap. In this case, we should
                  consider adding it also to Set and IntSet.

   I have no strong opinion here. The `toDescList` can be trivially
   expressed as left fold. But it is currently a subject to list fusion.
   To vote for (a).

Several other changes follow:

6) Result of discussion around http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5242
     `Map.fromSet :: (key -> a) -> Set key -> Map key a`
     `IntMap.fromSet :: (Int -> a) -> IntSet -> IntMap a`
   The implementation would exploit same structure of map and set
   (leave the shape of the original tree/trie, just adding values).

   Cons: fromSet is a trivial composition:
           fromSet f = Map.fromDistinctAscList . map (\k -> (k, f k)) . Set.toAscList
         This can be defined by the user and is asymptotically optimal.
   Pro: performance. Also the performance of keysSet would improve, if
        the map can use data constructors of set.

   I vote for adding these methods.

7) Improve the generality of intersectionWith.
   Currently the Map and IntMap define
     intersectionWith :: Ord k => (a -> b -> c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
     intersectionWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c

   But the combining function is not general enough. Consider two
   IntMaps storing hashable elements as (hash(element), element).
   When intersecting elements with the same hash, the intersection can
   be empty.

   I propose to change the type of these methods to
     intersectionWith :: Ord k => (a -> b -> Maybe c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
     intersectionWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c
   (and appropriately for IntMap).

   Note that the combining function of differenceWith already has type `(a -> b -> Maybe a)`.

Discussion period: 2 weeks


PS: Sorry for the long email.

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