Proposal: Ignore sub-minor version components in package id

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at
Tue Nov 8 13:34:35 CET 2011

On 8 November 2011 23:25, Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at> wrote:
> Then whether the dependencies should then use an installed package id or
> a package abi is an interesting question. I think the right thing is to
> use installed package ids. Just because it would be possible to update a
> dependency to use the latest-ABI compatible version doesn't mean that it
> should be immediate and automatic. Indeed it would prevent us from
> having a persistent package database, as adding new packages would
> change the meaning of existing packages. Switching to a later
> ABI-compatible version of a dependency should be a deliberate act. Hence
> we should use installed package ids for dependencies.

Are you referring to Cabal or cabal-install for this? (I'm assuming the latter)

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at

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