seq/parametricity properties/free theorems and a proposal/question
Edward Kmett
ekmett at
Fri Mar 18 20:04:35 CET 2011
Others have commented on the whys and the wherefores of the removal of the
Eval, so I won't belabor that here, but the History of Haskell paper goes
into a bit more depth, IIRC, talking about how this happened during the
refactoring of a large Haskell project.
You may want to read Johann and Voightlander's "Free theorems in the
presence of seq" and "The impact of seq on free theorems".
They have done a lot of work on making more rigorous the strictness side
conditions that exist on many free theorems, and show how with a bit of
unrolling and sideways thinking you can still reason about code equationally
using free theorems, even in a world with fully polymorphic seq.
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Tyson Whitehead <twhitehead at>wrote:
> The haskell (2010) report says:
> "The function seq is defined by the equations:
> seq _|_ b = _|_
> seq a b = b, if a /= _|_
> seq is usually introduced to improve performance by avoiding unneeded
> laziness. Strict datatypes (see Section 4.2.1) are defined in terms of the
> $!
> operator. However, the provision of seq has important semantic
> consequences,
> because it is available at every type. As a consequence, _|_ is not the
> same
> as \x -> _|_ since seq can be used to distinguish them. For the same
> reason,
> the existence of seq weakens Haskell’s parametricity properties."
> As has been noted in the literature (and presumably the mailing lists),
> this
> has important consequences for free theorems. For example, the property
> map f . map g = map (f . g)
> should be derivable from the type of map "(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]" (i.e., as
> map works on all a's and b's, it can't actually do anything other than move
> the a's around, wrap them with the given function to get the b's, or pass
> them
> along to other functions which should be similarly constrained).
> However, this last bit about passing them to similarly constrained
> functions
> is not true thanks seq. There is no guarantee map, or some other
> polymorphic
> function it invokes has not used seq to look inside the universally
> quantified
> types and potentially expose _|_. For example, consider
> map' f [] = []
> map' f (x:xs) = x `seq` f x : map f xs
> Now "map' f . map' g = map' (f . g)" is not true for all arguments.
> map' (const 0) . map' (const undefined :: Int -> Int) $ [1..10] =
> [undefined]
> map' (const 0 . undefined :: Int -> Int) $ [1..10] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
> My proposal (although I'm sure someone must have brought this up before, so
> it's more of a question) is why not take the magic away from seq by making
> it
> a class function like deepSeq
> class Seq a where
> seq :: a -> b -> b
> It is easily implemented in haskell by simply forces the constructor for
> the
> underlying data type (something also easily derivable by the compiler)
> instance Seq Int where
> seq' 0 y = y
> seq' _ y = y
> Now, unless I'm missing something, we have restore the strength of
> Haskell's
> parametricity properties
> map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> map f [] = []
> map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
> map' :: Seq a => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> map' f [] = []
> map' f (x:xs) = x `seq'` f x : map f xs
> as the full range of operations that can be performed on universally
> quantified
> types (in addition to moving them around) is reflected in any explicitly
> and
> implicitly (through the dictionaries) passed functions over those types.
> Thanks! -Tyson
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