Various folds in the containers package

Milan Straka fox at
Mon Jun 20 18:49:05 CEST 2011

> > > So I suggest all four folds. They are all useful and can all be
> > > implemented efficiently.
> > 
> > For certain classes of operation ⓧ, a tree-fold
> > 
> > (( _ ⓧ _) ⓧ (_ ⓧ _))
> > 
> > gives better complexity. Is there room for that, or is it too
> > difficult to decide what to do about the unbalanced parts?
> That would be covered by the Foldable instance since Foldable provides 
> fold :: (Data.Monoid.Monoid m) => t m -> m
> which is exactly what you want. So we'd just want to provide a native
> implementation of it (rather than getting the default defined in terms
> of foldr).
> Milan: so that's another good argument in favour of providing a Foldable
> instance. (And also of having foldl' and foldr' as Foldable class
> methods)

We actually do provide Foldable instance now, but we define only
foldMap. I will add implementation for all other methods to achieve best

Having foldl' and foldr' in Foldable class would be great. If that
happens, we would definitely add specialised implementations.


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