Proposal: Applicative => Monad: Call for consensus
Dan Doel
dan.doel at
Thu Jan 20 23:47:37 CET 2011
On Thursday 20 January 2011 5:23:56 pm Henning Thielemann wrote:
> Translating for me: liftA2 is essentially pair with subsequent fmap.
Yes. And I didn't mention it, but there's a similar restricted functor
underlying the restricted applicative, which is a functor from a subcategory
of Hask to Hask. So:
rfmap :: (Suitable a, Suitable b) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
In the normal applicative case:
pure x = fmap (const x) unit
f <*> x = fmap eval (pair (f, x))
where eval = uncurry ($)
But the latter doesn't make sense if exponentials don't exist.
> I already though about this and came to the conclusion, that this does not
> help in my case. A zipWith3 written as
> pure f <*> storableVectorA <*> storableVectorB <*> storableVectorC
> would require a Storable instance for pairs. I provided that in
> storable-tuple, but then it is not efficient to store intermediate pairs
> in StorableVector.
I can believe it isn't efficient. But it's possible. An implementation more
like vector (for instance) would obviously work out better, because:
unit = UnitVector
pair (l, r) = PairVector l r
instead of building a new vector and copying all the elements. Anyhow, my
mails were more concerned with whether or not these things are 'unprincipled
hacks,' not whether they're practically useful.
-- Dan
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