Proposal: keep Data.Map.foldWithKey

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at
Fri Jan 14 18:55:19 CET 2011

Am 14.01.2011 00:26, schrieb Gregory Collins:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Christian Maeder
> <Christian.Maeder at> wrote:
>> Asking for support again (or withdrawals of "no"s)
> So if the vote/discussion doesn't go as you like, you bring it up
> again until people are too tired to argue with you anymore?
> Still no from me. My preferred resolution would be to remove
> foldWithKey from Intmap also. And I point to this thread as an example
> of the morass that is our current libraries process :(
> G

According to
we are in the "rare event" of "A deeply held disagreement".

Who or what is going to resolve it?

Cheers Christian

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