Proposal: keep Data.Map.foldWithKey

Sittampalam, Ganesh ganesh.sittampalam at
Fri Jan 14 14:30:59 CET 2011

Christian Maeder wrote:
> Am 14.01.2011 13:47, schrieb Ross Paterson:
>> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 01:13:46PM +0100, Christian Maeder wrote:
>>> The problem of adding a new function and deprecating an old one in
>>> the same release is, that sources modified according to the
>>> deprecation cannot be compiled with a previous compiler release.
>> Yes, you'd need ifdefs to do this, but waiting another year is just
>> too slow.  It's a trade-off, to be sure.
> This can be decided before ghc-7.2. I want a decision for my proposal
> before ghc-7.0.2 (actually tomorrow according to

Is it actually possible to get this change (removal of the deprecation)
in to 7.0.2/the next HP? If so I think it should happen because it's
essentially a bug fix, and then we can proceed with the proper fix for
7.2 etc.

If not then we can proceed straight to the proper fix, assuming that's
now agreed. Your proposal only makes sense for the longer term if those
changes are not accepted.


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