cabal install QuickCheck

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at
Mon Jan 10 16:42:52 CET 2011

Am 08.01.2011 23:59, schrieb Thomas DuBuisson:
> Cabal has this really ugly hack called "preferred versions".  This is
> how you get QC 1 (vs 2) and Parsec 2 (vs 3) when you don't specify.
> To get around this just add a constraint:
> cabal install 'QuickCheck >= 2'

Right, the "preferred version" for QuickCheck should be updated to
version 2, because the haskell platform happened to switch from QC1 to
QC2 some time ago.

Whereas the preferred version for Parsec is correctly 2, because Parsec
2 is (still) part of the current haskell platform.

(I oppose(d) to update to Parsec 3)

Cheers Christian

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