Library proposal: add a Location interface for element-wise operations on Data.Map (#4887)

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at
Sat Jan 8 01:07:48 CET 2011

+1 Really nice idea!

(The following is just some brainstorming)

Why not store the value in the Location as in:

data Location k a
    = Empty !k !(Path k a)
    | Full {-# UNPACK #-} !Size !k a !(Path k a) !(Map k a) !(Map k a)

Search doesn't need to return a tuple with a Maybe but simply:

search :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Location k a
search k = k `seq` go Root
    go path Tip = Empty k path
    go path (Bin sx kx x l r) = case compare k kx of
       LT -> go (LeftBin sx kx x path r) l
       GT -> go (RightBin sx kx x l path) r
       EQ -> Full sx kx x path l r

We do need a function to retrieve the value:

value :: Localtion k a -> Maybe a
value (Empty _ _) = Nothing
value (Full _ _ v _ _ _) = Just v

min- and maxLocation are also simplified:

minLocation :: Map k a -> Location k a
minLocation = go Root
    go _path Tip = error "Map.least: empty map"
    go path (Bin sx kx x Tip r) = Full sx kx x path Tip r
    go path (Bin sx kx x l r) = go (LeftBin sx kx x path r) l

maxLocation :: Map k a -> Location k a
maxLocation = go Root
    go _path Tip = error "Map.greatest: empty map"
    go path (Bin sx kx x l Tip) = Full sx kx x path l Tip
    go path (Bin sx kx x l r) = go (RightBin sx kx x l path) r

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Ross Paterson <ross at> wrote:
> This is a variant of a suggestion by apfelmus:
> To avoid proliferation of variants of element-wise operations, the idea
> is to split these operations into two phases mediated by a new Location
> type, so that users can do whatever they like between these phases.
> Documentation is here:
> This adds a type and 9 functions to the interface, but makes possible
> monadic updates and much more.  As an illustration, the file MapOps.hs
> attached to the ticket gives definitions of 30 of the public functions of
> Data.Map in terms of the new interface.  At least in the case of insert,
> this definition is slightly faster than the current one.
> Discussion period: 4 weeks (to 4 February)
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