Proposal: add forkOnIO and friends to Control.Concurrent:
Maciej Piechotka
uzytkownik2 at
Sun Jan 2 02:35:56 CET 2011
On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 13:59 -0500, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On 12/23/10 20:57 , Thomas Schilling wrote:
> > I also find the name 'forkOnIO' extremely confusing. Without reading
> > the docs it seems to imply that a thread is created on IO, i.e., if
> > I/O happens. This makes no sense, and is of course not what's
> > happening. However, I assume you chose it because forkIOOn looks a
> > bit weird. In that case, why not use forkThreadOn, and in a separate
> > proposal change forkIO to forkThread (or just fork).
> +1
> The name "forkIO" always seemed a bit odd to me; aren't threads pretty much
> constrained to IO anyway?
Depends on what you understand by thread:
> import Control.DeepSeq
> import Control.Parallel
> import Control.Seq
> mergeSort :: (NFData a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> mergeSort [] = []
> mergeSort [x] = [x]
> mergeSort xs = let (ys, zs)
> = foldr (\e (a, b) -> (e:b, a)) ([], []) xs
> merge xs [] = xs
> merge [] ys = ys
> merge s@(x:xs) t@(y:ys)
> | x < y = x : merge xs t
> | otherwise = y : merge s ys
> ys' = mergeSort ys `using` rdeepseq
> zs' = mergeSort zs `using` rdeepseq
> in ys' `par` zs' `par` merge ys' zs'
> main = print $ mergeSort ([1..100] :: [Int])
(Code was not written to be nice, efficient or even correct but to
illustrate the point.)
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