ANNOUNCE: countable-0.1
Ashley Yakeley
ashley at
Mon Sep 6 06:54:00 EDT 2010
countable: Countable, Searchable, Finite, Empty classes.
class Countable, for countable types
class AtLeastOneCountable, for countable types that have at least one
class InfiniteCountable, for infinite countable types
class Searchable, for types that can be searched over
class Finite, for finite types
class Empty, for empty types
data Nothing, an empty type
Also includes these orphan instances:
instance (Searchable a,Eq b) => Eq (a -> b)
instance (Finite a) => Foldable ((->) a)
instance (Finite a) => Traversable ((->) a)
instance (Show a,Finite a,Show b) => Show (a -> b)
It turns out Searchable includes some infinite types. Specifically,
countable implements this:
instance (Countable c,Searchable s) => Searchable (c -> s)
using the algorithm described here:
I would welcome improvements.
cabal install countable
darcs get
See also this thread:
Ashley Yakeley
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