Proposal: Add IsString and Monoid instances for Doc

Thomas Schilling nominolo at
Mon Oct 11 12:32:11 EDT 2010

+1, conditional upon there not being to many breakages.

That reminds me of the proposal to make `mappend == <>`.  What
happened to that one?

On 8 October 2010 08:52, Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Since we're discussing a proposal for the pretty package I would like
> to make another one:
> The proposal is to add the following to Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ:
> instance IsString Doc where
>    fromString = text
> This allows users to use string literals as Doc values using the
> OverloadedStrings language extension.
> I would also like to add:
> instance Monoid Doc where
>    mempty  = empty
>    mappend = (<>)
> If there's enough demand (because it's a lot of work) I can find out
> if this change breaks anything by analyzing pretty's direct reverse
> dependencies:
> to see if some of them define an orphaned instance for IsString or Monoid.
> The patch that implements this is attached to the ticket:
> Deadline: 2 weeks (Friday 22 October 2010)
> Regards,
> Bas
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