Summary and call for discussion on text proposal

Tyson Whitehead twhitehead at
Sun Nov 7 10:07:32 EST 2010

On November 7, 2010 09:36:35 Duncan Coutts wrote:
> To kick off the discussion focused on this narrow issue, Thomas and I
> would like to suggest a 3rd alternative option:
> Option 3
> --------
> breakStr :: Text           -> Text -> (Text, Text)
> breakChr :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> (Text, Text)
> This give neither version the short name 'break', but gives both
> reasonably short names with a suffix to indicate the character
> predicate vs substring.

I think this is a good solution.  With this option you can also include sub 
modules so users could choose between 1 and 2.  That is, something like

Data.Text -- doesn't preference (i.e., only Str and Chr suffixed ones)
Data.Text.String -- reexports the *Str ones without the Str suffixes
Data.Text.Char -- reexports the *Chr ones without the Chr suffixes

Cheers!  -Tyson
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